Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Feb 01 to Feb 07)
This week you need to slow down a bit. Don’t try to juggle too many things at one go – take things one at a time. You may be in one of your darker moods and inclined to brood over small issues.
Do not let the mood spread by being on your own. Go out and socialize or pamper yourself in any way you feel – and you spirits shall soon get better. It is advised to avoid travelling today though.
- Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday.
- Lucky Numbers: 53, 69, 91.
- Lucky colors: Matte Gold, Yellow Ochre.
- Lucky gemstones: Tiger’s Eye, Ammonite.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Jan 25 to Jan 31)
This week you should learn to appreciate and enjoy what you have in your life instead of pining for the things that are out of your reach. Your spirits will be up and soaring. And you should make the most of the happy times by bonding with people who matter to you. Remember you should never take anything in life for granted. So hold your family and partner close to your heart and do not hesitate to show how much they mean to you. Finances would be good.
- Lucky days: Monday, Friday.
- Lucky Numbers: 4, 12, 35.
- Lucky colors: Red, Cream, Ivory.
- Lucky gemstones: Diamond, Pearl.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Jan 18 to Jan 24)
This week you have a lingering feeling of defeat and disillusion playing in your head, perhaps without any legitimate reason. You need to muster your confidence and hold on to your dreams, and success will simply come and knock at your door. You also need to find time to devote to your family. Financially, you should try to invest for future benefits. Buying a new home or property or a car may be likely. Travelling will open up new avenues.
- Lucky days: Sunday, Monday.
- Lucky Numbers: 8, 14, 25.
- Lucky colors: Red, White.
- Lucky gemstones: Red Corral, Natural Pearl.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini |
Cancer | Leo | Virgo |
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius |
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Jan 11 to Jan 17)
The week you shall feel that you are Lady Luck’s favorite person. You shall have a calm and relaxed week, yet not one that will not bring you fruits of your labor.
The predictions of the cards say that there is a probability of good news coming your way.
A reunion with family or friends will make you feel extremely happy. You shall experience emotional stability with your partner that will strengthen your bond further.
- Lucky days: Sunday, Monday.
- Lucky Numbers: 2, 19, 22.
- Lucky colors: Silver, Pewter.
- Lucky gemstones: Zircon, Hematite.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Jan 04 to Jan 10)
You may not feel the energy or enthusiasm. You may not be in the usual positive frame of mind. But you have to find a way to change this, for otherwise you may be missing out on opportunities just because you are too busy with yourself to spot them. Open your eyes and your mind to let new opportunities and the positive waves to enter your life. Your partner will be very supportive and encouraging.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Wednesday.
- Lucky Numbers: 2, 33, 49, 62.
- Lucky colors: Milk White, Cream, Ivory.
- Lucky gemstones: Diamond, Natural Pearl.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Dec 28 to Jan 03)
This week you shall make an attempt to align your hopes and aspirations with those who are dear to you, and those you want to take along in your journey of life.
However, while doing so you may encounter differences in opinion. This should not make you feel angry or upset. Remember no two people are alike. So it is but obvious that their dreams would be different too. For some of you this discord may take a serious turn and may hurt a relationship.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday.
- Lucky Numbers: 16, 46, 93.
- Lucky colors: Midnight Blue, Ebony.
- Lucky gemstones: Sapphire, Onyx.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Dec 21 to Dec 27)
This week you shall have to learn to handle family matters with a little patience. There is a chance of discord with a member of your family, likely to be your cousin or sibling. You have to appreciate that not all people will see things your way. Respect other people’s opinion as well. This is a good week to make financial investments.
- Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday.
- Lucky Numbers: 53, 69, 91.
- Lucky colors: Matte Gold, Yellow Ochre.
- Lucky gemstones: Tiger’s Eye, Ammonite.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Dec 14 to Dec 20)
This week you shall be required to concentrate on your health. You have been working too hard for a while and it is now taking a toll on your health. Take care of your diet and assign a little time in the span of the day exclusively for yourself. The environment at office will be peaceful this week and the same applies for the ambience at home. Your family has been very supportive of you and this is the time when you should thank them.
- Lucky days: Saturday, Wednesday.
- Lucky Numbers: 17, 34, 61.
- Lucky colors: Violet, Lilac.
- Lucky gemstones: Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Dec 07 to Dec 13)
This week your innovative ideas and sharp intellect will find ways of expression at work. You shall be able to take up and complete an important assignment at work and that will bring you many accolades and appreciations. However, your heart craves for more. It would be best to talk to someone you can trust to judge if your expectations are rational. You shall feel spiritually inclined and may find peace in prayer or meditation.
- Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday.
- Lucky Numbers: 19, 31, 47.
- Lucky colors: Electric Blue, Chrome.
- Lucky gemstones: Lapis Lazuli, Hematite.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Nov 30 to Dec 06)
This week you shall be full of energy and vitality. All you need to have a successful week is to carry on your duties with dedication and sincerity. It is a good time to start a new business or execute a new endeavor. However, it would be best if you did not try to multitask. There are high chances of financial gains coming your way during this time.
- Lucky days: Thursday, Friday.
- Lucky Numbers: 29, 60, 97.
- Lucky colors: Green, Navy Blue.
- Lucky gemstones: Emerald, Lapis Lazuli.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Nov 23 to Nov 29)
This week is a day to dream big for people born under the sun sign Cancer. This week is also a day to hold on to those dreams and turn them into reality. All these obviously mean a lot of hard work and toil. The good part is that you are in the pink of your health and full of energy – so toiling will be least of your concerns. Love will bloom and wedding bells may ring for many of you.
- Lucky days: Saturday, Wednesday.
- Lucky Numbers: 17, 34, 61.
- Lucky colors: Violet, Lilac.
- Lucky gemstones: Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Nov 16 to Nov 22)
The week you have been very hard for some time now and your partner and family is perhaps feeling a little neglected. This is the time to remedy that. Also this would give you an opportunity to take a break and get rejuvenated yourself. You shall splurge a little on personal happiness and that is alright once in a while. Travelling for pleasure is highly likely according to the prediction of the cards.
- Lucky days: Thursday, Saturday.
- Lucky Numbers: 12, 65, 70.
- Lucky colors: Antique Gold, Saffron.
- Lucky gemstones: Tiger’s Eye, Topaz.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Nov 09 to Nov 15)
This week you have to clear each and every notion that hazes blurring your brain, and get clarity of vision. You might likewise consider rearranging your objectives. You feel nostalgic and passionate as of now. For the individuals who have an accomplice, it is an extraordinary time to recharge the bonds. On the off chance that you are single, you may go over your perfect partner today. Family will take up some of your time as well and you should feel revived due to that.
- Lucky days: Thursday, Sunday.
- Lucky Numbers: 39, 79, 84.
- Lucky colors: Indigo, Dark Purple.
- Lucky gemstones: Amethyst, Jasper.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Nov 02 to Nov 08)
This week it is time to indulge your emotions and sentiments. If you are feeling under the weather, do not bottle up – communicating with your near and dear ones will help to give vent to the negative feelings helping to welcome the positive vibes inside. There is nothing wrong in shedding a tear or two once in a while leaning on a trusted shoulder. Spending time with family and partner will boost your morale.
- Lucky days: Wednesday, Thursday.
- Lucky Numbers: 3, 15, 53.
- Lucky colors: Silver, Grey.
- Lucky gemstones: Hematite, Jasper.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Oct 26 to Nov 01)
This week you should realize that no one can learn without making mistakes – and you do not need to cry over the spilt milk. It only adds on to your experience and ensures that you do not repeat it in the future. Trust your own instincts and gut feelings – you are intelligent enough to come up with your own solutions. Your family, especially your partner, will be loving and supportive renewing hope in new.
- Lucky days: Wednesday, Friday.
- Lucky Numbers: 25, 34, 72.
- Lucky colors: Forest Green, Sage.
- Lucky gemstones: Emerald, Jade.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Oct 19 to Oct 25)
This week you shall make slow progress towards your goals. You shall face small obstacles in every step of your way. This may disturb your mood and make you think of quitting. However, remember always that backing out is never a right solution. You should keep a level head and deal with each of the problems one by one and by solving them you shall reach your destination.
- Lucky days: Sunday, Monday.
- Lucky Numbers: 18, 38, 79.
- Lucky colors: Red, Black.
- Lucky gemstones: Ruby, Natural Pearl.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Oct 12 to Oct 18)
This week do not let anything deter you from progressing towards your goals. Make your words heard by hook or by crook. People will see the benefits of your wisdom with time. The week will be a great one to reignite passion with your partner. You have been devoting too much time to your career and now it is the opportunity for you to make up for the lost time to your partner.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Friday.
- Lucky Numbers: 27, 39, 74.
- Lucky colors: Ochre Yellow, Chocolate.
- Lucky gemstones: Drusy, Palm Wood.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Oct 05 to Oct 11)
This week you may be asked to come forward with your ideas in front of a large group or before influential people. It is no good feeling nervous. What you need to do is a proper research and homework. There is nothing wrong in asking for help and suggestion from friends or colleagues when in need. Your family will be very supportive. Romance too is on the cards.
- Lucky days: Monday, Friday.
- Lucky Numbers: 27, 33, 98.
- Lucky colors: Midnight Blue, Indigo.
- Lucky gemstones: Blue Sapphire, Agate.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Sep 28 to Oct 04)
This week you have too many things going on in your mind. Also, you have too much on your agenda to accomplish. Finally the task is done and in a good way too. So you should take the opportunity to relax and spend the week in a leisurely pace – a luxury you cannot afford regularly. You have been a social recluse for a while and you may try renewing bonds at this time.
- Lucky days: Sunday, Monday.
- Lucky Numbers: 37, 49, 52.
- Lucky colors: Burgundy, Ivory.
- Lucky gemstones: Garnet, Natural Pearl.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Sep 21 to Sep 27)
This week you should dream big and then work hard to make that dream come true. Your efforts will be highly appreciated at work and you shall get the full cooperation from your superiors and colleagues alike and together as a team you shall achieve a milestone that will not only benefit you as a person but your organization as a whole too. You may sign for new ventures to march on to wider horizons.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday.
- Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, 48, 58.
- Lucky colors: Milk White, Ivory, Lime Green.
- Lucky gemstones: Peridot, Natural Pearl.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Sep 14 to Sep 20)
This week you in a happy mood in the lap of comfort as you see your dreams and wishes being fulfilled, albeit one at a time. You shall feel contented with the efforts you put in at work. Fortunately your superiors feel the same too. So professionally it will be a smooth sailing day. You shall be sensitive and caring about your partner thereby making love thrive between the two of you.
- Lucky days: Sunday, Monday.
- Lucky Numbers: 2, 5, 7, 9.
- Lucky colors: Red, Cream, Ivory.
- Lucky gemstones: Diamond, Pearl.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Sep 07 to Sep 13)
This is the time when you may need to rework your schedule. You have probably gone beyond means to accommodate whatever were asked or expected from you. It is time you changed that because it has been taking a toll upon your health. Yes, you need to toil hard for success, but burning midnight oil regularly may burn your out before time. You need to learn how to say no politely. Reorganize your schedule keeping your own benefits at mind. Family and peers would be supportive.
- Lucky days: Friday, Saturday.
- Lucky Numbers: 16, 44, 75.
- Lucky colors: Silver, Aquamarine.
- Lucky gemstones: Natural Pearl, Opal.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Aug 31 to Sep 06)
This week you should take care of your health and well being. You have been pushing yourself too hard for a while now, and you need to take a break if you want to continue further. This would be good time to consider a vacation with your dear ones. You should be careful about your health too and should take precautions so that you can avoid health hazards.
- Lucky days: Wednesday, Saturday.
- Lucky Numbers: 12, 20, 45.
- Lucky colors: Orchid, Lavender.
- Lucky gemstones: Jasper, Tanzanite.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Aug 24 to Aug 30)
You may face some hurdles in your work front during the course of the week. However, this is not the time to lose your heart or hope. This is the time when you should restrict yourself to what is absolute essential and then postpone the rest for a later period when your stars are in a more favorable alignment. The cards also indicate chances of arguments with someone dear to you, and this may further hamper your mental equilibrium.
- Lucky days: Friday, Saturday.
- Lucky Numbers: 16, 44, 75.
- Lucky colors: Silver, Aquamarine.
- Lucky gemstones: Natural Pearl, Opal.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Aug 17 to Aug 23)
This week your main focus will be on relationships. Someone close to you may get into a tricky situation and you shall have to use all your wits to help the person out of it. You shall also be full of original ideas that would bring you accolades at work. Your health will also need some tender loving care.
- Lucky days: Thursday, Friday.
- Lucky Numbers: 20, 30, 48.
- Lucky colors: Dark Chocolate, Taupe.
- Lucky gemstones: Tiger’s Eye, Opal.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Aug 10 to Aug 16)
The week will see you in a fresh burst of energy and ideas. However you should not rush to implement them all at one go. Wait for the right time. There may be some minor financial issues bothering you. Also health of a family member can cause trouble. But the woes will be short lived.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday.
- Lucky Numbers: 10, 40, 75.
- Lucky colors: Rose Pink, Burgundy.
- Lucky gemstones: Garnet, Spinel.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Aug 03 to Aug 09)
You have to learn to handle authority in a diplomatic manner. You may feel that your ideas are not being well accepted by your superiors. However, it is time for you to brush up on your patience and perseverance. You may look for newer avenues to spread your wings professionally. Not a good week to take major financial decisions.
- Lucky days: Wednesday.
- Lucky Numbers: 2, 19, 39, 44.
- Lucky colors: Chocolate, White, Cream.
- Lucky gemstones: Pearl, Jasper.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Jul 27 to Aug 02)
This week is all about important decisions both at work and at home front. If you are looking for expansion of your business you is the time to sign the dotted lines for new deals. If you have been contemplating to buy a new home, it is a good time to act upon it. Keep your temper at bay and be diplomatic for a super successful week.
- Lucky days: Monday, Wednesday, Sunday.
- Lucky Numbers: 2, 5, 7, 9.
- Lucky colors: White, Cream, Ivory.
- Lucky gemstones: Natural Water Pearl, Diamond, Ammolite.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Jul 20 to Jul 26)
This week will prove to be important for you if only you can keep your temper and mood swings under control. You may feel a little pressure to balance your work front and private life. Your hands will be full – family and finances may take a front seat. Health of a family member may bother you. Try to keep calm and take things one at a time. A short vacation may help you get back to the grove in a fresh mind.
- Lucky days: Sunday, Monday.
- Lucky Numbers: 2, 5, 7, 9.
- Lucky colors: Red, Cream, Ivory.
- Lucky gemstones: Diamond, Pearl.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Jul 13 to Jul 19)
You have to take firm, bold and confident steps this week to clear out any issue that has been bothering you. If there has been a difference in opinion with a colleague at work, take time to resolve the issue. However, you should remember to be polite as well as assertive. Travel is on the cards.
- Lucky days: Sunday, Thursday.
- Lucky Numbers: 1, 23, 55.
- Lucky colors: Forest Green, Charcoal.
- Lucky gemstones: Citrine, Amber.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Jul 06 to Jul 12)
The positions of the stars speak of a favorable week ahead. There will be harmony and peace at home and also at your place of work. However, you have to be cautious to avoid any kind of misunderstanding with your peers if you want the week filled with happiness alone. Students may expect good results. Travelling for work would keep you on your toes.
- Lucky days: Monday, Wednesday.
- Lucky Numbers: 5, 31, 48.
- Lucky colors: Silver, Pewter.
- Lucky gemstones: Natural Pearl, Zircon.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (June 29 to Jul 05)
This week you shall be absorbed in your work. People would find you very demanding – you shall accept nothing less than perfect. You shall be full of futuristic ideas. However, do not try to implement all of them at one go. Wait for the right time. Your partner would extend full support and love. Health of children may cause some worry.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Friday.
- Lucky Numbers: 10, 44, 52.
- Lucky colors: Violet, Lilac.
- Lucky gemstones: Agate, Lapis Lazuli.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (June 22 to June 28)
You are by nature kind and generous. However you need to learn to be patient as well. Remember endurance is the key to many success stories. Your creativity and efficiency will be highly appreciated in the work front. But you need to brush up on your communication skills. Do not undertake any financial commitment today. Love will be in the air for you. Support from family will make you feel happy and contented.
- Lucky days: Monday, Wednesday.
- Lucky Numbers: 5, 31, 48.
- Lucky colors: Silver, Pewter.
- Lucky gemstones: Natural Pearl, Zircon.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (June 15 to June 21)
The week will see you in a whirlwind of activities in the work front. To maintain your health and sanity you should try to pick and choose your duties and learn to say no when you can. Your relationship with your family, especially your partner, may get strained for you shall hardly have any time to devote in that sector. Spend wisely.
- Lucky days: Wednesday, Sunday.
- Lucky Numbers: 24, 38, 41.
- Lucky colors: Milk White, Cream, Ivory.
- Lucky gemstones: Diamond, Natural Pearl.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (June 08 to June 14)
This week it is the time to move up in a jet speed. Your connection with someone influential in your field of work will come handy. You should not lose any moment in indecision. Grab all opportunities that come your way. Financially too it would be a good week and you may expect some gains.
- Lucky days: Monday, Friday.
- Lucky Numbers: 4, 12, 35.
- Lucky colors: Red, Cream, Ivory.
- Lucky gemstones: Diamond, Pearl.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (June 01 to June 07)
The favorable position of the stars that gives your career path a whooping upward curve continues, and you keep achieving one milestone after the other at work. However, the time has come when you should also devote time to your family. Special attention should also be given to your romantic partner – any differences that may have cropped up should be resolved immediately.
- Lucky days: Saturday, Sunday.
- Lucky Numbers: 5, 30, 50.
- Lucky colors: Burnt Orange, Chocolate Brown.
- Lucky gemstones: Corral, Tiger’s Eye.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (May 25 to May 31)
This week is favorable for new actions, decisions and ventures, as long as you can value the boons of partnership. Also you need to keep a firm control on your temper. Keep the channels of communication open for this is what will enhance your learning and influence the results you aim for. Love would bloom.
- Lucky days: Friday, Sunday.
- Lucky Numbers: 24, 96, 98.
- Lucky colors: Yellow, Sandy Brown.
- Lucky gemstones: Citrine, Amber.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (May 18 to May 24)
The week will make you focus on your personal front. Romance will flourish. There will be strengthening of bonding with your family members, especially your siblings. Personal travel is also indicated on the cards. This will help you to rejuvenate from the exhaustion caused to you by the work load of the previous few weeks.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Friday.
- Lucky Numbers: 7, 72, 98.
- Lucky colors: Silver, Steel Grey.
- Lucky gemstones: Moonstone, Hematite.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (May 11 to May 17)
You shall be going through some emotional turmoil this week, although you shall try your best to maintain a composed exterior. Your family members and dear ones may not be able to comprehend what is going on within you, and this may create a drift. You should learn the art of communication to do away with this kind of misunderstanding.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday.
- Lucky Numbers: 25, 66, 93.
- Lucky colors: Moss Green, Lime Yellow.
- Lucky gemstones: Citrine, Peridot.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (May 04 to May 10)
Things have not been going according to your plan and this may make you feel a little frustrated. But don’t let it lead to depression. Try to talk about how you feel with people who care about you. Tighten your purse strings as you may across some unexpected expenses sometime soon. Taking a vacation may help to lighten your mood.
- Lucky days: Monday, Saturday.
- Lucky Numbers: 15, 19, 42.
- Lucky colors: Scarlet, Forest Green.
- Lucky gemstones: Jade, Moonstone.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Apr 27 to May 03)
It is the week when you shall be spiritually inclined. However, you shall also make plans for your life that are futuristic – this encompasses both your personal and professional spheres. This is the time for auspicious partnerships – be it at work or in your home front. There may be some changes at your place of work, but that will turn out to be beneficial for you in the long run.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday.
- Lucky Numbers: 14, 36, 82.
- Lucky colors: Dark Blue, Violet.
- Lucky gemstones: Agate, Sapphire.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Apr 20 to Apr 26)
This week your communication skill would be your best friend. You shall meet a lot of people who are influential in your field of work. If you can talk your way, you shall gain a lot of opportunities for improvement and career enhancement. This is also the time when you should give your romantic relationship some serious thought. If you are committed it is time to take the next step.
- Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday.
- Lucky Numbers: 12, 34, 46.
- Lucky colors: Purple, Emerald Green.
- Lucky gemstones: Jade, Peridot.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Apr 13 to Apr 19)
The week will see you in a fresh burst of energy and ideas. However you should not rush to implement them all at one go. Wait for the right time. There may be some minor financial issues bothering you. Also health of a family member can cause trouble. But the woes will be short lived.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday.
- Lucky Numbers: 10, 40, 75.
- Lucky colors: Rose Pink, Burgundy.
- Lucky gemstones: Garnet, Spinel.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Apr 06 to Apr 12)
You are in a strange mood this week and would behave unconventionally. Try to embrace your virtues no matter how much vices tempt you. You may get romantically involved with a person who may not be the right one for you. Do not indulge in anything which you may regret once you are back to your usual self. Try to concentrate on work.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday.
- Lucky Numbers: 37, 42, 81.
- Lucky colors: Ebony, White.
- Lucky gemstones: Natural Pearl, Moonstone.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Mar 30 to Apr 05)
This week you shall be a little occupied with your health that will also hamper your efforts at work slowing down the growth curve. However, friends and family will be extremely supportive and loving. Romance is also on the cards. Engagement and marriage is very likely. You also would be spiritually inclined too.
- Lucky days: Friday, Saturday.
- Lucky Numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7.
- Lucky colors: Indigo, White.
- Lucky gemstones: Blue Sapphire, Natural Pearl.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Mar 23 to Mar 29)
You may feel a little out of focus, and trying to find a way out may make you feel more confused. Relax and just let some time pass, and you shall again in back in full active mode on the right track. Family and friends bring support and encouragement. Refrain from starting anything new.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Saturday.
- Lucky Numbers: 1, 3, 12, 32.
- Lucky colors: Indigo, Purple.
- Lucky gemstones: Sapphire, Agate.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Mar 16 to Mar 22)
The day has come when your body and mind would rebel against all the hard work that you have been making them do. They would crave for some fresh air and leisure, and you should grant it to them. Especially your health would demand that you take it a little easy for the day at least. Also you should not ignore any discomfort related to your health. It is a good day to think of imbibing fresh perspectives to your work.
- Lucky days: Monday, Friday.
- Lucky Numbers: 4, 22, 31.
- Lucky colors: Lavender, Violet.
- Lucky gemstones: Natural Pearl, Amethyst.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Mar 09 to Mar 15)
You may be tempted to go the wrong way in life to achieve success easily and readily. However your strong will shall make you stay away from the temptations. Always remember what you achieve with honesty stays, while the rest is just a matter of time. Refrain from making any financial decision this week. It would be a good day to spend time with family or your partner.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday.
- Lucky Numbers: 8, 12, 14.
- Lucky colors: Buff, White.
- Lucky gemstones: Diamond, Quartz.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Mar 02 to Mar 08)
The week will be a usual one in your work sphere. Efforts from the past may bring you rewards during this week – something you have been expecting and waiting for a while. Your relationship sphere will not pose such a rosy picture today unfortunately. Some of you may even consider coming out of longstanding relationships. But it would be advisable to know your mind before you make the final call. Financial investments are advised, but after consultation with experts in the domain.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday.
- Lucky Numbers: 16, 46, 93.
- Lucky colors: Midnight Blue, Ebony.
- Lucky gemstones: Sapphire, Onyx.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Feb 23 to Mar 01)
You are in a strange mood this week and would behave unconventionally. Try to embrace your virtues no matter how much vices tempt you. You may get romantically involved with a person who may not be the right one for you. Do not indulge in anything which you may regret once you are back to your usual self. Try to concentrate on work.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday.
- Lucky Numbers: 37, 42, 81.
- Lucky colors: Ebony, White.
- Lucky gemstones: Natural Pearl, Moonstone.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Feb 16 to Feb 22)
This week you should get immersed into action without thinking much about the returns. Trust your instincts and march ahead. You shall be reaping the benefits soon. Some urgent financial issues may require your attention. Your family may require your time and support this week and you should be generous about giving it.
- Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday.
- Lucky Numbers: 2, 3, 7, 41.
- Lucky colors: White, Grass Green.
- Lucky gemstones: Diamond, Natural Pearl.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (Feb 09 to Feb 15)
This week you need to concentrate on your career. Your hard work shall not go unrewarded. You shall be full of creative ideas and luck will give you ample opportunities to tap your potentials. You just need to trust your own intuition rather than relying on what others think. All this pressure, however, may cause some minor health issues.
- Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday.
- Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, 48, 58.
- Lucky colors: Milk White, Ivory, Lime Green.
- Lucky gemstones: Peridot, Natural Pearl.