Christmas is one of the most celebrated festivals in the world. People visit churches, sing carols, wear new clothes, send gifts to each other, on this day. Beautiful Christian Christmas poems are read on this day to revisit the history which narrates the birth of Lord Jesus Christ.

Christian Christmas poems are those poems which gives an insight of the wonderful tale which connects the birth of the great Lord. Such poems have beautiful descriptions of the entire story of Christ’s birth.

It tells about the star, the coming of the three wise men, mother Mary and so on. You can check out some of the beautiful Christmas poems which follow.


Beautiful Christian Christmas poems:


Some of the beautiful poems for Christmas are as follows:

As A Baby Jesus Came

“As a baby Jesus came
From His home above
He left His throne and who He was
To teach us how to love

As a baby Jesus came
Wrapped in swaddling cloth
Willingly took on humanity
Though He was one with God

As a baby Jesus came
To one day grow to be
The saviour of the human race
People like you and me

As a baby Jesus came
As God’s eternal light
That will never be extinguished
But forever shine out bright

As a baby Jesus came
The hope of eternal life
Reconciling us back to God
Giving meaning to our lives

As a man Jesus died
His blood poured out for all
Cleansing and forgiving us
For to this He was called

We thank Him that He came a babe
And grew to be a man
And for His sacrificial love
His nailed scarred feet and hands

Through it all we can live on
With Jesus Christ our Lord
The babe that came that first Christmas
Is what we thank Him for”- M.S.Lowndes

Jesus Is The Reason

“In Bethlehem, God gave to us
The source of Christmas joy;
A star shown on a miracle:
The virgin birth of a boy.

He was born both God and man,
A Savior for us all,
The way to get to our heavenly home,
If we just heed His call.

So as we shop and spend and wrap
And enjoy the Christmas season,
Let’s keep in mind the sacred truth:
Jesus is the reason.”- Joanna Fuchs

Bethlehem and Calvary

“Oh silent Bethlehem attend and see
How gently Mary tends her new-born King:
Mark with what reverence and ecstasy,
Her humble virgin heart with joy will sing.

See with what tenderness, she tucks within,
Those coverlets, His tiny Hands and Feet,
Oh, with what loving care she kisses Him,
And smoothes the pillow for His Head so sweet.
Oh silent Bethlehem, attend and see,
Mary’s most precious task is now complete!
Oh silent Calvary, attend and see,

How sadly Mary watches Christ, her King,
Mark with what noble, patient sympathy,
Her anguished mother heart meets sorrow’s ring.
Bravely she watches, her sweet face grows pale,

And suffers other hands to “tuck Him in,”
His Hands and Feet they “tuck” beneath the nails,
His kiss is gall; a token of man’s sin.
Oh, silent Calvary, attend and see,
Man’s most ignoble work is now complete!”- Isaac Watts

Interesting Christian Christmas poems:

Some other Christian Christmas poems include:

  • Cradle Hymn
  • The Lord’s Light Within
  • Three Kings
  • Don’t Forget Jesus
  • Cherish His Christmas
  • Mary’s Song

These and many more such Christian Christmas poems can form a part of your ‘must read’ poems on the pious occasion of Christmas. These lovely Christian Christmas Poems are recited during this festival to impart a spiritual touch to your celebrations.


Christmas Poems
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