Clothes are essentials in civilized life not only to adorn our bodies but also to protect the bodies and make us appear civil before others.
Clothes can be comfortable and practical or luxurious and stylish. In more ways than one clothes define our image. So when you see clothes in your dream these could represent the image you have of yourself in your mind.
They could also represent the way you think others look at you. Clothes in your dreams could also symbolize the way you perceive others or any situation as such.
Various Situations that have clothes dream symbols and their meanings
- Dirty clothes in your dreams suggest that you think you are in trouble. If you see yourself trying to clean them, it means you are trying to change the situation or perhaps some characteristic about you.
- Changing clothes frequently mean you want to change something in your life or in your personality.
- Trying to fit into clothes suggest that you are trying to adapt to certain situation or get used to certain trait.
- Being unable to find the right outfit for yourself expresses your anxiety or nervousness. It may be about your life in general or about getting accepted to some social group or scenario.
- Wearing multiple layers of clothing suggests that you feel vulnerable about something and are shielding yourself.
- Wearing someone else’s attire suggests that you wish you to possess certain traits of that person. Or it may also suggest that you feel close to the person.
- Too tight clothes suggest suffocation in life or relationship.
- Wet clothes suggest strong emotions or spirituality.
- Ripped or torn clothes indicate flaws or something that defies logic.
- Faded clothes say that you are giving up hope.
- Wearing your clothes inside out suggest that you are ready to disclose something – may be some feelings or information.
- Expensive or designer clothes suggest that you are trying to impress.
- Over sized clothes indicate insecurity or your ability to fit in somewhere.
Various clothing items and their meanings when they appear in dreams
- Apron
Commitment to work or some domestic task; nurturing something
Protection and secrecy
Submissive attitude
Letting others dictate your stand
- Baby Clothes
Thinking of old habits that you have outgrown
Feeling nostalgic
Expressing thoughts and ideas in a subtle way
- Ballet Shoes
Balanced attitude
Caution to approach a situation with care
Careful deliberation before taking a decision
- Bandana
Careful consideration of options
Suggestive of objective viewpoint towards a situation
- Bathing Suit
Feeling of being exposed or emotional vulnerability
Leisurely life
Eased and relaxed attitude
Discomfort wearing bathing suit suggests lack of confidence or sense of insecurity
- Bathrobe
Some kind of intimate situation for which you need privacy
- Blouse
Attempt to express your emotions and finding ways of doing so in a proper manner
- Bonnet
Old fashioned ideas
Sheltered life
Narrow or closed minded attitude
- Bra
Uplifted spirits
Better support and protection
Expression of your sexuality
Expression of your maternal instincts or affectionate nature
Discipline and decency
- Bulletproof Vest
Protection from any kind of vulnerability, especially emotional wounds
- Cap
Suggesting more tolerance for others
Informality and easy attitude
- Denim
Signifies your ability to endure the rugged patches of life
Leisure or laid back attitude
- Dress
Brings out the feminine perspectives and emotions
Color of the dress determines the coordinating emotion
- Evening Gown
Enjoyment and social pleasure
Grace and culture
Luxurious lifestyle
- Fishnet Stockings
Sensuality, alluring nature and lust
Challenges you to be more daring
- Flannel
Comfort and warmth
Relaxed attitude
- Furs
Prosperity and luxury
Status symbol
Symbolic representation of animal instinct
Cruelty and torture
- Glass Slipper
Truth and transparency
Feeling exposed
- Gloves
Meaning depends on type of gloves you see
Work gloves represent hardships in life
Taking off glove means showing respect
Boxing gloves denote conflict with someone or within yourself
White gloves denote luxury, prosperity and riches
- Hat
Hiding something you did or some characteristic in you
Covering up for someone
Shows your attitude
Changing hats represent change in thoughts, ideas and opinion
- Hawaiian Shirt
You are warm and can be easily approached
You are welcoming someone or something (an idea)
Relaxed attitude
- Headband
Holding back information that is vital
A trait of secrecy in you
Relates to intellectuality
Urging you to give something a proper thought
- Helmet
Seeking shield or protection
Urging you to keep thoughts and ideas secure
- High Heels
Confidence and self assurance
Glamour and luxury
Feminine charm
- Hoodie
Attempt to cover up true feelings or emotions
Trying to hide something
Being incommunicative
- Jacket
You are being protective or defensive
You are isolating yourself
- Jeans
Reflection of who you think you are – designer ones exude charm while faded or torn ones tell of inappropriate attitude
Relaxed attitude especially in matters of finance
Tight ones say that you feel constricted in some way
High waist ones say that you have pinned your ambitions and expectations too high
Trying to fit in your jeans suggest of your efforts to adapt to certain situation or adjust to some person
- Kimono
Elegance, grace, beauty, tradition and docility
- Lab Coat
Sanitize a situation
Willing to experiment
Covering up for something
- Leggings
Flexibility and adaptability
- Lingerie
Expression of your sexual identity
- Loincloth
Bare male sensuality
- Mittens
Childish attitude
- Nightgown
Accepting and expressing traits about which you have been previously quiet or uncomfortable
- Overcoat
You are putting up a wall around you
Trying to shield yourself from getting hurt – physical or emotional
- Pajamas
Need of rest and rejuvenation
Need to pay attention to something that is lying bare yet skipping your attention
- Raincoat
Unpleasant thoughts
Pessimistic approach to life
Unwilling to face anything nasty
Protecting your emotions
- Scarf
Too much control over expression of emotions
Too many restrictions on yourself
Your voice is being muffled
- Shorts
Your readiness to be open about something
Your readiness to disclose something
Youthful nature and playful attitude
- Skirts
Hidden aspects about your personality that you need to acknowledge and embrace
- Socks or Stockings
Indicative of a warm and comfortable situation
Indicative of your willingness to adjust
- Suit
Your power and skills that you make sure are noticed
Luxury and prosperity
Expression of superiority or machismo
- Tie
Relates to obligations in various relationships
Feeling of being restricted – may be a relationship or a certain situation in life
- Trousers
Represents the role you that perceive yourself in, in matters of your relationships
- T-Shirt
Hint to take it easy
Represents your honesty and genuineness
Having your own way
You feel comfortable in your present situation
- Uniform
Your willingness to conform to something
Your discipline
Routine and regimented lifestyle
Order and method in mannerisms
- Veil
Repressing or hiding something
Feminine nature
Innocence, humility or coyness
- Wedding Dress
Assessment of your personal relationship
Finding your role in life
Prepared to take on responsibilities
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