The Four of Wands card shows a couple dancing beneath a welcome wreath. The wreath is tied between four wands with crystal tips. The wreath thus tied forms a canopy of flowers over the couple.

This canopy is a reminder of wedding canopy - according to Jewish tradition such wedding canopy is known as chuppah. The whole scenario as such speaks of happy times where fulfillments of goals lead to satisfaction and contentment.

The background of the card depicts a large castle near which a group of people are standing. The castle is also decorated with flower, and this further reinstates the celebration factor. The crowd is suggestive of the general air of camaraderie.

Upright Position: This card indicates celebration and good times. It says that there would be a general harmonious environment. From the perspective of numerology, the number four is associated with stability. The card bears the message that the subject would see the lights of success as a reward of hard work - like a good harvest after a long season of laborious farming. So now is the time to relax and enjoy the fruits of labor in the company of near and dear ones. It may also suggest homecoming. The card also implies prosperity. The card may also represent partnership - either in business or in matrimony.

Reversed Position: Reversed the card says that even amidst success there may be something missing that is stopping the subject to enjoy the achievements full-fledged. There may be a feeling of insecurity. It teaches to accept that one has been blessed with.

Tarot Horoscope Tarot Card Decks Tarot Card Meanings

Major Arcana
Chariot Death Devil
Emperor Empress Fool
Hanged Man Hermit Judgment
Justice Lover(s) Bateleur (‘Magician’)
Moon Pope (‘Hierophant’) Popess (‘High Priestess’)
Star Strength Sun
Temperance Maison Dieu (‘Tower’) Wheel of Fortune

Minor Arcana
Ace of Coins Ace of Cups Ace of Swords
Ace of Batons Eight Coins Eight Cups
Eight Swords Eight Batons Five Coins
Five Cups Five Swords Five Batons
Four Coins Four Cups Four Swords
Four Batons King of Coins King of Cups
King of Swords King of Batons Knight of Coins
Knight of Cups Knight of Swords Knight of Batons
Nine Coins Nine Cups Nine Swords
Nine Batons Queen of Coins Queen of Cups
Queen of Swords Queen of Batons Seven Coins
Seven Cups Seven Swords Seven Batons
Six Coins Six Cups Six Swords
Six Batons Ten Coins Ten Cups
Ten Swords Ten Batons Three Coins
Three Cups Three Swords Three Batons
Two Coins Two Cups Two Swords
Two Batons Valet of Coins Valet of Cups
Valet of Swords Valet of Batons