Halloween is the one of the oldest holidays which is celebrated with great pomp and glory. Halloween is the second popular festival other than Christmas. People all over the world especially in Western countries take part in Halloween celebrations. Halloween is celebrated on October 31 each and every year. Halloween was earlier known as All-hallows Eve. Halloween origin is very interesting and it will enable you to understand the influence of Samhain on Halloween.

The origin of Halloween started long back by the Celtic people in France and the British Isles. Halloween festival has its roots in Celtic festival of Samhain. On November 1 each year the Celtic New Year was celebrated with great enthusiasm. Celtic New Year symbolizes the beginning of the dark winter. The Celtic people believed that winter will have ill effects on the people. According to them, during New Year Eve the covering between the dead and the living world are slimmed and the spirits roam freely.

The Celts believe that during the New Year Eve, ghosts gain power to walk on the world. During, the Celtic Druids said that due to the power of dead spirits they were able to make true predictions. To celebrate Samhain, Celts used to wear costumes and organize bonfires. During the festival, the Druids also made sacrifices to the gods to please him. They believe that the spirits can do harm to the Celtic community if the spirits were ignored.

The Celts believe that the spirits go wild on the New Year Eve. The Celtic used to wear costume to hide themselves from the evil sprits. On Halloween, the Celtic people keep food outside the house to pacify the evil spirits.

The Celtic world was also influenced by Roman culture. Bobbing for apples in modern Halloween celebration is a part of Roman festival. In the 17th century when Christianity spread all over the Celtic lands, November 1st came to known as All Saints’ Day and the night before All Saints’Day came to known as Halloween.

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