Capricorns are some of the most independent signs of the zodiac. Therefore it is no wonder that they try and finish all the details by themselves.
They are extremely friendly and sympathetic people who are some of the best friends that the zodiac can come up with. A Capricorn will always be full of mystery; will be deep and full of intrigue.
They will in love, at times seem a little melancholy and would really be the person who would weigh the pro s and cons of a situation before committing anything.
But it is really not so. It is their inner mechanism of saving them against potential heartbreak and pit falls.
Positions of Planets and Stars
With Capricorn in 2024, love and marriage will not be much of a priority as their 7th House of Love and Marriage is not energized. As a result those who are singles tend to stay so, and those who are married tend to stay in that same sphere.
This year the Capricorns look deep within himself to bring about the changes in his characteristics that he had always admired in others in order to make himself more endearing.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini |
Cancer | Leo | Virgo |
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius |
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
However the non- changes in your marital status or love status does not bother you much and you are happy cultivating your own self.
It would be futile and a little risky to make a sweeping statement to make that in 2017 all the Capricorns will find the perfect love. But if your heart and mind is in it, then there will be some love associated in this year. If you do find that special someone then June and July will be the perfect months to make a proposal to that special person as the possibility of acceptance is higher. You will expect an absolute commitment from your partner this year and there will be no short cuts to that.
Astrological Compatibility and Incompatibility
It is an absolute necessity to know who the perfect mates for Capricorn amongst the signs of zodiac. While getting into a relationship or analyzing one it is but imperative to know and understand this. Keeping that in view, the other two signs of earth, namely Taurus and Virgo are the best compatible sign for the Capricorn.
All these two signs also have the same amount of practicality and responsible outlook towards life and can cultivate more sensitivity in a love relationship. The difference from Capricorn of signs such as Aries or Libra is vast and almost unfathomable. Signs such as these can be construes as incompatible signs and are better not associated with when it comes to love and romance. Both these signs for example are not meticulous and may find the discipline and regimentation of Capricorn unpalatable. Thus it would be better to steer clear of them.
Compatible Sun Signs for Capricorn in 2024 – Virgo and Taurus
Incompatible Sun Signs for Capricorn in 2024 – Aries, Gemini and Libra