This year you may need to work hard to attain career and financial success, but success is ascertained.
But the stars also signify that may be you will have gains, but there will also be mounting expenses. The astral indications are such, that if you wish to purchase a lottery ticket, you may just win it even.

Planetary Positions

Jupiter being retrograde in your house of finance for a period of time you are advised to tighten your purse strings and not to spend extravagantly. You should plan your budget carefully and accordingly as per your income.  The possibility of winning money in share markets is high and so is the possibility of investing the same well. Lunar eclipse will bring much needed financial changes.

Professions which may bring more money

Those who dabble in IT, share market or real estate are bound to do better than the rest of the Libra born people.

Let us have a look at how the monthly financial horoscope of those born under the sign of Libra in 2017 looks like.

    • January – Your personal position will be sentimentally comfortable and make your home a Profit Centre. Your 10th House of your career is energetic, but most of the Planets are below the horizon. Gaining the co-operation of others and using your social skills will lead you to successfully earn more.
Financial Horoscope 2017
Aries Taurus Gemini
Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces


Horoscope 2017
Love Horoscope 2017
Career Horoscope 2017
Horoscope 2017
Horoscope 2017


Horoscope Compatibility
2017 – New Year


    • February – Finances are mixed this month. Money can still come from your lover, partner until the 6th. Earnings can come from business partnership. Social contacts play an important role. Easily you can earn more but you should work harder for them.


  • March – The work to integrate emotional co-ordination, home life and permanent position continues. Until 20th there is stress about money. Your job is to make them collaborate with time and more attention to make better monetary gains.
  • April – Lunar eclipse of the 24th appear in your 2nd House of Wealth bringing, important and long-term financial change needed. Some dramatic event happens for the function of the eclipse. It will lead to greater prosperity and greater financial health. Now the moment you are in the dramatic event stage. The eclipse will also bring important and long-term permanent position changes.
  • May – In this period are mixed for the finances. Economical planet, is lapsing. After 20th you receive some stressful aspects. Thus, there could be many delays in finances these days. You are in a development phase. Financial projects could be on hold. The message for the month is slow, logical, methodical and financial progress. Enhance your wealth by working to help other people prosper, especially your spouse or lover. Your partner pick up the financial stack for you. Debt – repayment would be wise probably. Good time for eliminating financial waste and needless expenses.
  • June – Your 10th House of Career gets very powerful after 21st. There is also another planetary shift happening this month.. You will have to do a lot of juggling, but now you can shift more attention to your career and outer goals. New career opportunities are coming to you. Enhance your health by paying more attention into your jobs. Finances are not so good this month.
  • July – Wealth seems most attractive. Finances are wonderful this month. Job-seekers should study job offers more, earnings in general are strong. Friends, groups or associations bring financial opportunity or customers. Prosperity is also moving forward.
  • August – There will be offers for foreign tour and travel this month resulting in financial benefits. Your partner is focused on finance and seems to be working very hard.
  • September –Personal financial interests pull you one way. You put yourself in the center and keep your focus on what you want to build as your partner pulls you another and health interests pulls in an other.
  • October – Earnings come from communication and the use of mind. Intellectual wealth is the relative wealth. Both distress and wealth are important lessons for people, but now you are learning the lessons of wealth. Prosperity is unusually strong this month and for the year ahead. Two vigorous eclipses are bringing both personal and wealth change this month.
  • November – Ever-growing prosperity is still the major headline of the month. Your Money House is strong and enough with favorable planets. Your financial planet Pluto is moving forward and receiving intense stimulation. As we have seen all year commercial, marketing, trading etc are the paths to prosperity. It is also mutual reception with Pluto, your financial planet. Some of you will have creative wealth.
  • December – Success is still marvelous strong. You are working harder at it – and perhaps it stresses on marriage or social life – but earnings are happening.