The wheel of the year moves forward in a cyclic manner and this is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals which is observed by many modern Pagans.

There are four or eight festivals. The festivals celebrated by different sects of modern Paganism can vary considerably in various names and date.

Both modern and ancient people observing the cycle of the seasons and many Pagan festivals are based for varying degrees on folk traditions. All things rare considered to be a cyclical growth and retreat tied to the Sun’s annual death and rebirth.

The day that falls on the yearly cycle traditionally either marks the beginnings or the middles of the four seasons. They are regarded with significance and also influence the major communal Pagan festivals.

New Year Around the World
January 1st – History Chinese New Year Hindu New Year
Hmong New Year Islamic New Year Japanese New Year
Jewish New Year Korean New Year Thai New Year
Persian New Year Tibetan New Year Vietnamese New Year

New Year 2017 New Year Messages New Year Wishes
New Year Quotes New Year Resolutions Vedic Astrology 2017
2017 – Year of the Rooster 2017 Events 2017 Holidays
2017 Holidays in India 2017 UK Holidays 2017 US Holidays
2017 Hindu Festivals 2017 Federal Holidays

2017 Calendar
Buddhist Calendar Sikh Calendar Hindu Calendar
Muslim Calendar Christian Calendar Jewish Calendar
Bahai Calendar Rastafari Calendar Zoroastrian Calendar
Pagan Calendar Jain Calendar Shinto Calendar

Horoscope 2017


Name of festivals Date of festivals Description
Celtic tree month Rowan 21st January, 2017 Most contemporary Pagans use fixed dates for each month. Eventually the calendar would fall out the sync with the Georgian calendar. The modern tree calendar is based on a concept that letters in the ancient corresponded to a tree. The rowan moon is all about Brighid, who is the Celtic goddess who is believed to rule the hearth and home. She is considered to be the protector of mothers and families from harm and uses the light she emanates and harnesses to inspire poets.
Oimelic , Imbolc 1st February, 2017 Imbolc is a holiday that enjoys quite a variety of names, depending on which part of the world one belongs to. In   the Irish it’s called Oimelic which when translated means “ewe’s milk”. A goat sacrifice was made and then a scourge made of its skin. Those who were struck considered themselves fortunate indeed and thus this festival came into being.
Ostara 19th March, 2017 As spring reaches in midpoint, night and day becomes exactly equal with light on the increase. The young Sun God celebrates a scared marriage with the young Maiden Goddess. It is a time for renewed and great fertility, new growth and newborn animals. The traditional foods which are fresh leafy green vegetables, Dairy foods, nuts and flower dishes and sprouts. The special activates are planting seeds and taking a long walk in nature.
Bealtaine 1st May, 2017 This is Ireland’s national celebration of creativity as we age during this time.  Bealtaine events are running in arts centers, theaters galleries local halls, cultural spaces and even in the open air. This day focuses to encourage people to focus about who and where they are progressing as a maturing country.  A particularly common tradition which is involved is in making a herd of cows pass between two bonfires. People believed hat this could purify the cattle and also bring luck.
Lughnasadh 1st August, 2017 It is the first harvest for the closer to the autumn month. It is celebrated as the first crops are being harvested and it is often related to bread or corn and berries. Pagan holiday is an integral part of your family tradition that is celebrated each year, year after year.  By baking some bread, planning your magnificent feast, taking some time for praying, going to local festival and telling stories of Lughnasadh. The Christian church created the ritual blessing of the fields on this day. The festivity continues with families who are still choosing August as the traditional time for family parties.
Mabon 19th September, 2017 Mabon is a time which is rich in magic for all connected to the changing seasons on the face of the earth. No Pagan celebration is really completed without a meal to go along with it. The celebration is with foods that honor the hearth and harvest. The Mabon people set up Mabon Altar, creating a food altar, honoring the dark mother. Balancing meditation, and holding a gratitude ritual. It is a time to review on the last year and they can renowned for their success and asses with crops and projects the holiday is named after the Welsh god son of mother goddess Modron. The pagans enjoy a great feast with seasonal foods like apple, pomegranates and root vegetables. During the time of Mabon all of them pray for peace, a stable weather and their prosperity. It is a time for respecting the world of spirit. They relax and enjoy to their personal harvest’s fruits. To make the day memorable in their hearts and spirits be filled with overflowing.
Samhain 31st October, 2017 Originating in ancient Europe long ago as a Celtic fire festival, Samhain is now celebrated almost worldwide. The timing varies according to the very many spiritual tradition and geography. Usually a solo rites as well as ceremonies, feasts and gathering with family, friends and community are held. It also known by other names. Rituals can include bonfires, dancing, feasting and ceremonies honoring deceased ancestors. This was the time that the cattle and other livestock were slaughtered for eating in the ensuring winter months. The symbols of Samhain gourds, apples, black cats, besoms. Turnips, apples, gourds, nuts mulled wines beef and pork are the foods of this occasion. The colors of this festival are black, orange, white, silver and gold.
Celtic Tree Month of Elde 25th November, 2017 Celtic tree astrology believes that the time of our birth is pivotal to the formation of our personality and behavior. There are many sorts of trees seen in the Celtic nations are respect to be holy and religious. As it was a medicinal or particular nature spirit.  The oak tree shows perfectly in many Celtic developments. Romans and Britons worshipped a goddess of the oak tree.  There are many exemplar records in Irish history to refuse to cut an ash tree. This tree is part of a magical story. It is also a medicine tree.
Winter solstice/Yule 19th December, 2017 The origin of the world Yule has several suggested from the old English word, geola a pagan festival celebrated at the winter solstice. it is deeply rooted in the cycle of the year, it is the seed time of the year. The longest night and the shortest day, the time where the Goddess once again becomes the great mother and gives birth to the new Sun king.  Fire festivals celebrating the rebirth of the sun held on the winter’s solstice can be found throughout the ancient world. A large oak log was ceremoniously brought into the house and kindled at dusk. It was deemed essential that the log should burn until it was extinguished. The ashes from the log were often used to make protective healing or scattered over the fields.