The year is going to be one of immense change and rapid growth. There will be expansion of your life in terms of career and also the financial side is going to look up.
There may be times when you will feel that the year is moving a little too fast, but you should practice to keep yourself composed and cool about things about to come and those that are about to happen.
This is the year when jinxes afflicting you for the past few years will be broken and a newer you will emerge. The career aspect looks quite lucrative provided you can keep yourself from being too stressed out with all the work that will be coming your way.
Planetary Positions
Saturn is well aspect this year, and thus though your money house is not strengthened, still there will be income through your hard work. Saturn rules earnings through work such as communications.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini |
Cancer | Leo | Virgo |
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius |
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Communication skills, knowledge etc goes to play a huge role in the career graph of those born under the Sagittarius star.
There could be a business partnership and money is likely to come in from social skills and lot of net-working. Jupiter in Virgo make s a contact to your sun from the solar tenth house till 25th of September, and this is the phase which enhances your career or your business life.
This aspect will also be conducive towards gaining a promotion or recognition or an authoritative portfolio. Again those in sales may do exceedingly well and make a record in meeting targets. You may get recognitions, the opportunity of addressing a congregation etc and the efforts of past so many years starts to pay rich dividends.
Jupiter being posited in your eighth house till August ensures that there is a solid financial planning based on projected career change in the making. This is a time when all the debts are cleared. On September lucky planet Jupiter enters into your eleventh house and Libra. This is the beginning of the phase of recognition and success for your work. There will be a heavy workload as the astral significances suggest.
Those who are in business will introduce newer services and will be able to pay off their last debts. There will be a prospect of venturing abroad and expansion of business. Young people just starting out their career are well advised to look for better places where they may learn things under the tutelage of senior professionals.
However though there may have been personal understanding, joint ventures or partnerships; yet it will not last and you will work better if you are working alone this year. If there is any partnership or joint venture; they are ending towards dissolution.
Favored Professions
Though the practical yet philosophical are suited for many professions, in 2017 people born under the sign of Sagittarius will do well to pursue the following – travel, liaison, marketing, banking, advertising and technology related works.