The year 2017 promises to be a more or less healthy one for you.  It will be a year where there will be a status quo, as in there will not be major disruptions.


The Sagittarius born people can kick start the year with inculcating certain healthy habits in their life style and sticking to them too. There could be some trivial problems in your nervous system and intestines, but it will be neither fatal nor major.

Also certain minor irritation regarding the skin may bother you throughout the year. Natives born under the sign Sagittarius is advised to slow down the pace of life to avoid certain health complications.

Those who had put on weight can now be happy as the planetary positions show a chance of them reducing weight through change in diets or exercising.

Planetary Positions
Jupiter moves into a friendly alignment with your planet in the month of August and that is the time from when health, energy and vitality will start improving for those born in the Sagittarius star.  Despite the astral indication of there being no major hassle in the health department, it would still be advisable to be cautious and take pre emptive measures. A retrograde mode from May 28th to august 3rd requires the natives of this sign to be cautious about health.

Health Horoscope 2017
Aries Taurus Gemini
Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces


Horoscope 2017
Love Horoscope 2017
Career Horoscope 2017
Horoscope 2017
Horoscope 2017


Horoscope Compatibility
2017 – New Year


Mars going into Since Pluto has been in your sign for quite some time now; it has harped in an effort of reinventing your body image and entire image as a whole.

The process requires tremendous amount of self restraint and will power to bring in the required change in their lives. Therefore under this influence, there are lot of people who had gone into diets, detox routines, fasting or cosmetic surgery.

But since the Saturn is in the opposite direction, it is indicative that the finances are not conducive for carrying out such measures this year. However Pluto signifies getting rid of excess body fat or it could be a mental trait.

The planets suggest that this year your physical and mental plains are very closely interlinked and there could be cases of psycho-somatic disorders. Thus if you address removing certain disharmonies from your mental plains, the physical aspect will sort out on its own.

Planet Venus is the health planet of Sagittarius and rules kidneys and hips. Therefore a healthy life can be ensured if these portions are kept in shape and in order.

It is advised that you should have your hips and buttocks regularly massaged and also get into the practice of foot reflexology, kinesiology, acupressure, Reiki etc. this phase will not be a long term one and you shall need this kind of assistance from time to time. But it is imperative that you get into these alternative healing and therapies.

Diet suggestions
The diet suggestions are all pretty obvious from the ailments discussed; still it would be good to remind the natives of Sagittarius about the do s and the don’ts. Do not use frozen food and those who are diabetic should diligently avoid drinks and eatables which contain sugar. They should also try to have organic food with an emphasis on green vegetables.