Europe Bank holidays 2024 is a list that will help all understand on which dates the holidays fall in the year 2024. Everybody loves holidays, especially professionals who need some time off from their hectic schedule at work. Holidays are the joyous times of year, when the whole family can get together and spend some quality time together.
People around the world love to enjoy the holidays and European people are no different. Go through the list of bank holidays in Europe, which the team at 123NewYear has created to find out which holiday falls on which date and plan your 2024 accordingly.
A major tradition of European countries is that if a holiday falls on non-working days of Saturday or Sunday, then the holiday is extended to the next Monday. The list of the holidays provides an insight into the European traditions and culture, with the help of the small description that we provide.
Here is the list of bank holidays in Europe for the coming year 2024:
- New Year (1st January 2024)
Diverse nations have distinctive traditions everywhere throughout the landmass; however every one of them celebrates this bright new day with a lot of happiness and hopes of having a great year ahead. As New Year’s Eve is spent celebrating and drinking throughout the night individuals have a tendency to use this occasion by resting and having a relaxing day with family and companions.
- Good Friday (19th April 2024)
This day denotes the sad occasion of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and thus is thought to be blessed for the Christians. Holy places like the Church hold long and special services/functions. It is likewise thought to be a day of grieving and henceforth many individuals keep fasts or eat simple meals for the duration of the day. Many people even abstain themselves from having meat and drinking alcohol.
- Easter Sunday (21st April 2024)
In the customarily Christian European nations, this is the ideal time to encounter decades old ceremonies and traditions like unrestrained religious parades through the cities. In Spain, there is a glorious parade comprising of candlelit floats, brass bands and people who are repentant of their deeds march together wearing satin robes.
Scoppio del Carro in Florence also hosts magnificent celebrations. This occasion includes firecrackers being lit or detonated on a 30 foot tall antique cart which is dated at 500 years old with groups and artists all around. Each and every European nation has a unique way of celebrating this holy occasion.
- Labor Day (1st May 2024)
Work Day or otherwise called May Day is celebrated every year to honor workers everywhere throughout the world and their accomplishments. For most nations it is praised on the 1st of May with a few exemptions like Canada and the United States.
This day has its underlying foundations in the Labor Union Movement, which was focused to give workers eight hours of work, eight hours of recreational activities followed by eight hours of rest every day. Professionals get a day off and can spend the day relaxing or spending quality time with family and friends. Likewise, many parades and walks in which the Union individuals are the recognized contributors, take place.
- Europe day (9th May 2024)
This day is also known as Schuman Day as it commemorates the anniversary of Robert Schuman’s Declaration which occurred in 1950. On this date around 67 years ago, the European Coal and Steel Community were first founded.
In celebrations of Europe Day, the EU (European Union) institutions, even the Parliament allow the common public to enter while many local EU officials organize different kinds of events and programs in the various European countries.
- Ascension Day (30th May 2024)
This day remembers the rising of Jesus into paradise and is observed on the 40th day of Easter or to be precise 39 days after Easter Sunday as Jesus is said to have spent 40 days with his pupils after he was resurrected. It is an open occasion in numerous nations, incorporating the ones in Europe and furthermore denotes the finish of Easter season.
Numerous customary traditions are additionally performed in various parts of England like planting of the Penny Hedge at Whitby which is a residential community in Yorkshire and the Well Dressing in Derbyshire. A Special service is held in many chapels. Beating the Bounds is another custom, which is also observed in many countries, which includes beating of young men with willow branches so that they are cleansed of evil.
- Whit Monday (10th June 2024)
Otherwise called Pentecost Monday, falls on the day directly after Pentecost, which honors the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon the followers of Jesus Christ. The day gets its name from the white garments worn by the recently baptized individuals on Pentecost, a holy occasion for Christians.
Traditions incorporate cheddar rolling and organizing competitions in a few areas of England. In many spots, ‘Whit Walks’ or parades alongside groups, performers and important people are held alongside different sorts of food, games and entertainment.
- Corpus Christi (20th June 2024)
It is a holy occasion that is celebrated by Christians respect the blood and body of Jesus Christ. The day is celebrated in various countries of Europe, but the popular tradition that is followed on this day includes wine and bread offerings amid Communion.
A feast that happens on this day is also known as the Feast of Corpus Christi. This day is known as the Day of Wreaths, in the country of France, as the urban communities and towns are beautified with fabulous looking wreaths made of beautiful blossoms and branches. In Germany, it is performed with vivid parades all through the towns conveying the heavenly cross and holy observance and other sacred images.
- Day of German Unity (3rd October 2024)
In 1990, on this very day the Democratic Republic of Germany and Federal Republic of Germany were joined together to form the unrivaled Federal Germany. Magnificent festivals take place which incorporate speeches from prominent political pioneers, shared dining experiences, firecracker shows along with wonderful presentation about the rich culture of Germany.
- All Saint’s Day (1st November 2024)
This day is also known as the All Hallows Day. It is celebrated in recognition of holy people. Alongside special services that are held in holy places, numerous families visit the graves of their friends and family on this day and place chrysanthemums or light candles at the graves. According to traditions, the celebratory meals of All Saints Day incorporate lamb and a supper of dark grain, pancakes, bacon and cider to respect the dead.
- Christmas Day (25th December 2024)
Christmas is commended all around the globe with various traditions and customs, but it symbolizes the birthday of Jesus Christ. On the day of Christmas, families meet up to go shopping for presents that they present to each other, decorate their houses and organize lovely parties.
In Germany, Christmas markets from Munich to Berlin are a unique customs that offer customary workmanship and art things, ornamental knickknacks, chocolates, cakes and the sky is the limit from there.
- New Year’s Eve (31st December 2024)
New Year’s Eve celebrations in Europe can only be described by the word magnificent. Come midnight and firecrackers bathe the sky as individuals in Amsterdam collect on a huge grassy square before the Rijksmuseum on Museumplein for the countdown to the new year. There are shows, dancing and drinking to bid farewell to the present year and welcome the new day of the first month in the Gregorian calendar.