Christmas Symbols

Christmas is one of the most awaited and colorful festivals of the world. It is celebrated through out the world.

Christmas has many traditions, customs and Christmas symbols which are followed by people in their celebrations.

Christmas is celebrated using these Christmas symbols which are slowly and steadily loosing out on their value.

The use of Christmas symbols brings back the memories of the stories which you must have heard during your childhood days.

These Christmas symbols help us to revive the past glories of a Christmas celebration along with its spiritual content.

The Christmas symbols

There are several Christian Symbols which you may often use as a part of your decoration, or as token gifts and so on. Some of the Christmas symbols and their meaning are:

    1. The Fir Tree: You certainly love to decorate a fir tree as the Christmas tree. But the Fir tree too serves as a Christmas symbol. The green colored tree symbolizes the everlasting life and the light. After knowing its symbolic importance, you will now love to decorate the Fir tree like a bride.
    2. The Star: As we all know from the Biblical story, the star was one of the most important factors as it guided the three wise men to Christ’s birthplace. The star serves as a heavenly symbol which made the prophecy come true. It also marks as a hope for mankind.
    3. The Bells: For God we are all the same. He is the shepherd and we are his sheep who are guided back with the bell’s ringing when lost. The bell thus indicates God’s care over his children and his control too.
    4. The Red Color: The Red color symbolizes the immense sacrifice made by the savior, Christ. The Red color marks the sad diminution of goodness over cruelty to save the mankind. It points out to the most uneventful event as stated in the Holy Bible.
    5. The Candy Cane: This is a cute stick which looks like the shepherd’s crook, which is used to bring back the lambs back to their fold.
    6. The Candle: Candles symbolize the starlight which is used as a medium to express our gratitude on the birth of Lord and the guiding star of Bethlehem.


  1. Gift Bow: This is cute bow which serves as one of the Christmas symbols. It symbolizes the need of togetherness as all are tied in the same string of goodwill by God. It talks about bonding with all God’s children.

There are a few more Christmas Symbols which indicate some teachings from the Holy Bible. The Symbols serve their purpose as moral indicators which are followed since long and till today. The Christmas symbols are like imageries which tell about the stories which are attached to them since years.


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Santa Claus

The year is about to end and the festive mood is in full swing. The year end marks the high celebrations and this popular festival brings everybody together.

This occasion is celebrated for commemorating the birth of Lord Christ. There are lots of rituals and traditions being followed from quite a long time right from it were initiated.

This is when the concept of Santa Claus wrapping and bringing gifts to kids started. With time, kids became more associated with the Santa Claus concept and it became an integral part of Christmas celebrations. Today without Santa Claus, one can’t even imagine festivity to be complete.

Kids wait for gifts from Santa Claus and it has only found more prominence during Christmas. Let the festive mood be complete with Santa Claus gifts this year!

Origin of Santa Claus

In reality, Santa Claus is a mythological character, whose presence is still debatable. There are people who have claimed that Santa Claus is a character found in reality. Now, it has been made fictional coupling it up with fictitious tales. There are others who have claimed that the concept of Santa Claus is only due to the commercialization of Christmas.

Other names of Santa Claus

1. Saint Nicholas
2. Father Christmas
3. Kris Kringle

The usual story behind Santa Claus has been that he used to love children and thus brought Christmas gifts for them on Christmas Eve. The gifts usually arrived during the late evening and overnight hours of a day before Christmas, ie December 25.

He has a white-beard and wears a red coat with a white collar. He also wears white-cuffed red trousers, black leather belt and boots. A huge bag is what he is always seen with. This is for carrying all the gifts that he wants to distribute. The publicity of Santa Claus has been done widely via songs, radio, television, and films.


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Christmas – Quilt , Bedding and Fabric

Christmas quilts are made up of square shaped fabrics and are available in a plethora of bright and festive colors. You can either make them at home or can purchase them from the retail outlets.

If you are planning up for a Christmas party or a get-together, you can use these beautiful Christmas quilts to as a wall hanging. You can also use it at the end of the bed, table art and other forms of interior décor.

Traditional Christmas Quilts

If you are looking at quilts this Christmas eve as a part of your interior décor, then you can opt for the traditional ones. The traditional quilts generally use red and green fabrics, in keeping with the Christmas theme. The design patterns here include the images of Santa Claus, Elves, Nativity scenes, holly leaves and so on. You can use either as a bedding or also as a piece of Christmas decoration.

Homemade Christmas Quilts

You also have the option of having your own homemade Christmas quilts. This is much more than a three layered fabric sewn by hand. The design and the pattern reflect a lot on how you want your quilt to be designed. When you make your own carpet you can personalize it as per your own choice and taste. Later on you can keep it as a decorative item or can gift it to someone if you want.

If you are planning to make your own Christmas quilt this festive season, then you can go through the following guidelines.

Guidelines for Christmas Quilts


Choose a pattern for your Christmas quilts either from the ones that are there in the markets or you can make your own. These block patterns are easy to get and you will have plenty of options to choose from. However, if you would want to customize your own Christmas quilt block you can even do that. Some of the most popular patterns are the geometric shapes, Christmas wreaths, mistletoes and hollies, the Christmas trees, and our favorite Santa Claus.


The fabric is the most important thing when you are designing for a Christmas quilt. It is on the fabric that the texture and design depends. You can choose the traditional old fabrics that are strong and durable. At the same time, we suggest that you can also use your old quilt to make a new one. It is really surprising to see how these old fabrics can be weaved into a new vibrant design.


Color is something that you have to choose very carefully with these quilts. There is no hard and fast rule that you have to keep it to red and green shades. There are other various shades from which you can choose. It is advised that the look and feel is good, if the base color is warm. Shades of red and yellow are good options. You can also opt for quilts colored black, white and blue.

You can weave out some attractive Christmas quilts for yourself this festive season keeping these minute guidelines in mind.

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Christmas Prayers

Christmas is the time to pay homage to the Almighty for all the blessings he showers on us throughout the year which enables us to sail smoothly through the thick and thin that we confront while on our journey, called life. We breathe because of him; we are alive, cause he wants us to dwell in this state of existence.

The meaning and significance of Christmas has undergone a major metamorphosis after the advent of consumerism. We have started measuring every aspect of our existence in terms of monetary gains and that has evolved as an ideal yardstick for weighing our spirituality and sense of being too.

In a fast paced life like ours, where pretensions and selfishness has come to dominate as a rule rather than an exception, we desperately require to seek refuge in some form of spirituality where we can find a little solace from the ravages of our everyday existence.

Christmas is the ideal time to commemorate the glory of God, this being the holiday season when everybody gets a welcome respite from their routine, mundane chores. Christmas Prayers are by far the ideal way to reach out to God.

The prayers have been so designed so that they soothe the soul and refresh the mind. The Bible and the gospel are replete with references of miracles and how God had descended on earth from time to time to vanquish the evil and glorify the good. Christmas prayers strengthens the belief in God and that his omnipotent mercy is meant fore all. Everyone would be delivered if they resort to good deeds and that is what Jesus preached before he ascended the heaven. His words still resonate with fervor cause they stood for truth, integrity and fellow feeling.

Loving Father,
Help us remember the birth of Jesus,
that we may share in the song of the angels,
the gladness of the shepherds,
and worship of the wise men.

Close the door of hate
and open the door of love all over the world.
Let kindness come with every gift
and good desires with every greeting.
Deliver us from evil by the blessing
which Christ brings,
and teach us to be merry with clear hearts.

May the Christmas morning
make us happy to be thy children,
and Christmas evening bring us to our beds
with grateful thoughts,
forgiving and forgiven,
for Jesus’ sake.

For more details on Christmas Prayers, log on to Christmas


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Origin of Christmas | Christmas History

Christmas is a festival of love, light and celebrations. It’s an occasion for cakes, garlic bread, wine, Christmas carol and evening get-togethers.

We all look forward to it eagerly. Amidst all the celebration, one does get a little curious to know the roots of the festival. Let us the browse over a concise summary of the origin of Christmas.

Origin of Christmas – Pagan History

There are many deductions and historical inferences than can be drawn here. Some of them are stated below:-

The early Romans who were mostly pagans use to observe a holiday known as the Saturnalia. This included lavish celebrations and festivities between December 17-25th. Here the Roman courts claimed that no one would be penalized for any damage caused to property amidst the weeklong celebrations.

Back in the 4th century, Christianity imported the festival of Saturnalia planning to take pagan masses with it. The leaders were successful in converting and hence Saturnalia thus came to be celebrated as a Christian festival.

Origin of the Christmas Customs


The origin of Christmas Tree

As the Christians appointed the Roman pagans by linking Saturnalia with Christmas, there was the Asheira cult that was given the charge of sanctioning the Christmas trees in the church. The pagans previously were nature worshippers. They devoted themselves to the forest gods and the other elemental gods. Later on, the people took the Christmas trees back at their home and decorated it. It was also covered with a Christian covering.

The Origin of Christmas Mistletoe

We all are now aware of the Christmas mistletoe and couples exchanging a kiss under it. This is what the modern adaptation has zeroed down to. This too has an ancient origin.


According to the history of Norse, it was god Balder, who was killed by a mistletoe arrow, by his rival god Hoder. They both were fighting for the love of a female deity named Nanna. The Druid ritual has been to use the mistletoe to poison their human who would be sacrificed. The modern tradition of kissing under the mistletoe has romantic connotations that have developed in the contemporary times.
Origin of Christmas Presents

Back in history the pre-Christian Romans, emperors use to force their subjects to get presents and offerings during this time. This treatment was basically for the citizens who the kings and emperors despised. Later on this ritual of gifts gained popularity amongst the population. The Catholic Church treated this custom much later gave it a Christian flavor. This was done by associating this with the Saint Nicholas’s gift giving.

The Origin of Santa Claus

One of the important and fascinating facts about the origin of Christmas is the advent of Santa Claus. There are many theories that considered in this regard. One of the most credible connections that have been traced is that of Saint Nicholas.

Saint Nicholas was said to be born in Parara, in Turkey and was later known as the Bishop of Myra. There were several who idolized him. Nicholas back in the year 1807 supplanted a women boon-giving idol known as the Grandmother. This grandmother used to fill the stalking and socks of children with fun-filled gifts. From here came the context of Santa Claus.

These are some interesting facts bordering around the origin of Christmas.



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Legend of the Christmas Stocking

You never forget to hang stockings on Christmas night near the fireplace or the Christmas tree. But, do you the legend of the Christmas stocking and the importance of hanging it?

You might have enquired about it to your grandparents but, most of your would not be knowing the history of Christmas stockings.

There are different versions and customs associated with the Christmas stockings. In Canada it is hung near the bed end and in some other countries it is hung near the fireplace. A Christmas stocking is an empty sock bag or a sock that is hung near the fireplace on Christmas evening. Most of the fairy tales have shown that the Santa Claus drops gifts in it. It was a traditional custom to hang stockings in expectation of toys, candies and coins on the Christmas night.

Christmas stocking legend

The legend of the Christmas stocking originated from the acts of a kind man named Nicholas. He was born in 280 AD in Patara, a city of Lycia in Asia Minor. He lost his parents at a very early age. He was born in a very affluent family and was a true follower of Jesus Christ. Later, he became a Christian priest and sued all this wealth in serving the destitute. His kindness and generosity gained popularity as; he dedicated his entire life in serving the sick and needy people. Soon he became the Bishop of Myra and remained unmarried for the rest of his life.

Saint Nicholas was deemed as the Gift giver of Myra. He traveled across the globe serving and helping people. He was a true celibate who loved children and worked for their betterment.

Nicholas gave the gifts late in the night in order to maintain the secrecy of his nobleness. Eventually, he was known as the Saint Nicholas and the patron of children and sailors. Children were asked to sleep early so that Saint Nicholas can give the gifts secretly. This is one of most popular version of the legend of the Christmas stocking.

Famous Christmas stocking fable

One of the famous tales associated with the Christmas stocking fables is that of a poor peasant who lost his wife in some epidemic. He had the responsibility of marrying his three daughters. He had no money and property to offer to the men who were eligible for marriage. Those days it was mandate to give some amount to the prospective husbands. When Saint Nicholas came to know about this and decide to help him. As always, The Saint wanted to maintain his secret and one night after all the four people slept; he dropped a gold coin bag in their house. Neither the girls nor the poor peasant noticed this due to darkness in the tiny cottage. So, Saint dropped the bag in one of the stockings that was hung by the girls near the fireplace. He left the place tiptoed and no one came to know about his arrival.

Euphoria spread in the tiny cottage when the next morning the poor peasant noticed the bag of gold coins in the stockings. He got married his one daughter to a beautiful man and used the gold bag as, dowry. Similarly, he got married his other two daughters also after receiving more two bags on the next consecutive nights.

And in way the story of the Christmas stocking became famous and till date every year on Christmas night children hang socks near the cinder place. Later, Saint became Santa and Nicholas was known as Claus and you know it as – Santa Claus in the Legend of the Christmas stocking.

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Christmas Greetings Ideas

Have you been wondering how to go about wishing people this Christmas? Indeed, there are so many ways that we at times get befuddled with choices. It does not matter if you have a huge list of people to wish or a selected few, Christmas greetings needs to reflect the festive spirit and also convey the good wishes for the New Year that is round the corner.

We all love a warm Christmas greeting from our near and dear ones. That is something which adds on to the fun and merriment of the season.

If you have been thinking how to go about greeting your family, friends and acquaintances, we suggest you the following ways. You can read them and choose the one you like best.

Christmas Greetings Tips


Traditional Christmas Greetings

If it’s a set of senior relatives that you have to wish you can resort to traditional greetings methods. If they belong to the line of your immediate line of relatives, then perhaps you can add a little bit of personalization. Else, you can keep it formal and sweet.

Choose a Christmas card and write down a happy Christmas message and address it to the family concerned. You can quote in few lines from some famous poems too if you feel like. Put it in a gift bad. Add some bright flowers, cake, chocolates to it. It would be a good idea to get hold of a mini Bible and add it along with the gift.

If you do not get a pocket size Bible, or think its way too old fashioned, there is something else that you could do. You can take some art papers and pen down some of the best Christmas psalms and hymns on it. You can also add Christmas carols if you want to along with this.

If you want your Christmas gift basket to look stylish, attractive and classy add a bottle of port wine. Here you also need to be aware of the tastes and preferences of the person concerned whom you are gifting.

Modern Christmas Greetings

Modern day Christmas greetings gives you the scopes to personalize and add your own touch to it. If you are planning to share Christmas greetings with your family and dear friends, modern Christmas greeting ideas are apt. You can go all out with creative minds and share Christmas wishes with people. Given below are some of the options that you can choose from:-


  1. Personalized Photo Greetings – You can select any Christmas photo and have it framed in a wooden frame with a personalized Christmas message. This is ideal for your friends and beloved.
  2. Christmas Fortune Cookie Box- You can make these fortune cookies, and in each of them you can add a Christmas wish and share it with whoever you want to.
  3. Cakes and Wine – A Christmas basket with cakes and wine is one of the beautiful Christmas wish that you can share.
  4. Santa Goody Bag- This is idea for your little sibling. Get a Santa Goody bag and add a warm Christmas message and greeting to it. It sure would make them happy.

Creative ways of Christmas Greetings allows you to have a Christmas filled with joy and happiness.


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Christmas Foods

Christmas foods are one of the main attractions in a Christmas party. Various traditional foods are being served in traditional Christmas lunch.

Lately people are becoming more interested in contemporary foods and snacks and thus nowadays these are also included in the party. Several food companies also come up with various packaged food exclusively for this occasion. Restaurants include new items exclusively for the Christmas. Let’s peep into the food items generally included in the Christmas party.

Traditional Christmas foods

Christmas pudding -Christmas pudding is the essential item in the Christmas lunch. This yummy pudding is made with dry fruits, brandy and flour.

Brandy butter – Brandy butter is generally taken with the slices of bread. The item is made with milk cream, butter and brandy. The mixture should be kept in the fridge for two weeks before making the dish.

Roasted turkey -Roasted turkey should be included in your lunch dish. Make your turkey dish more delicious with lots of boiled vegetables and beans. Add a variety by putting some barbeque sauce on it.

Apple pie – Pamper your sweet tooth with some apple pie. It would be more delicious with some chocolate sauce.

Christmas Party Foods

Try to add a variety in your food arrangement when throwing a Christmas party. It would be better if you ask the invitees about their tastes. However, include lots of snacks in your meal. If children are there then add lots of delicious chocolates and ice creams in your meal items. Moreover add some spicy meat and soups which make your meal scrumptious.

Christmas Cake recipes


Cake mix of twenty ounce
Chocolate cake mix of six ounce
Fresh cream of one cup
One cup vegetable oil
Warm water one cup
Four eggs
Chocolate pieces

How to prepare:

First, preheat your cake oven to 350 degree. Make a batter by mixing the ingredients all together. Pour the mix into the butter greased bowl and beak it for 50 minutes. Now bring it out and leave it until the cake comes to the normal temperature. Keep this inside the fridge for two hours. Serve it cold with chocolate pieces.


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Christmas Facts & Trivia

You wait the entire year patiently for the arrival of Christmas. But, do you know about the interesting facts related to this beautiful festival? Here are incredible Christmas facts for you to explore.

Santa Claus Facts

    • Father Christmas has two addresses, Edinburgh and the North Pole. Letters addressed to ‘TOYLAND’ or ‘SNOWLAND’ go to Edinburgh, but letters addressed to ‘THE NORTH POLE’ have to be sent there because there really is such a place.


    • Santa Claus is also known as Father Christmas.


    • The eight reindeers of Santa are named – Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner/Donder, Blitzen, and Rudolph.


Facts on Christmas Day

    • 25th December was not celebrated as the birthday of Christ until the year AD 440.


    • The Queen’s Christmas speech was televised for the first time in 1957.


    • Christmas crackers were invented by Thomas Smith. He had imported some French novelties to sell as Christmas gifts, but these were not popular until he gift wrapped them up using color papers and added a snapper.


    • Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are more likely to have a white Christmas than England.


    • England has only known seven white Christmases in the entire twentieth century. According to the records of the Meteorological Office in London, snow fell on Christmas Day only in 1938 and 1976.


Christmas Decor Trivia

    • Each year more than 35 million Christmas trees are produced.


    • Electric tree lights were first used just 3 years after Thomas Edison has his first mass public demonstration of electric lights back in 1879. Thomas Edison’s assistant, Edward Johnson, came up with the idea of electric lights for Christmas trees in 1882.


    • In 1895 Ralph Morris, an American telephone operator, invented the string of electric Christmas lights similar to the ones you use today. The actual strings of lights had already been manufactured for use in telephone switchboards. Morris looked at the tiny bulbs and had the idea of using them on his tree.


Food Facts on Christmas

You would be simple astounded by the Christmas day food facts. Do you know that the holy berries are poisonous? You would be shocked to some more info on the Christmas facts.

    • The Christmas turkey was imported to France by the Jesuits and it is still known in some French dialects as a ‘Jesuit’.


    • Christmas pudding was first made as a kind of thick soup with raisins and wine in it. It originates from an old, Celtic dish known as ‘frumenty’.


    • In the 19th century, the Christmas cake was eaten on Christmas Eve. It was consider unlucky to cut a Christmas cake before dawn on Christmas Eve.


    • Mince pies should only be eaten between Christmas Eve and Twelfth Night and one should be eaten on every day of the twelve days of Christmas to bring good luck.


Interesting Christmas facts

    • The word Christmas is Old English, a contraction of Christ’s Mass.


    • ‘The Nutcracker’ is the most famous Christmas ballet.


    • The famous ‘Jingle Bells’ song was first written for Thanksgiving and then became one of the most popular Christmas songs.


    • Do you know – If you received all of the gifts in the song ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas,’ you would receive 364 gifts?


    • The poinsettia plant was brought into the United States from Mexico by Joel Poinsett in the early 1800’s.


    • In 1843, “A Christmas Carol” was written by Charles Dickens in just six weeks.


    • The first state to recognize the Christmas holiday officially was Alabama.


    • Christmas became a national holiday in America on June, 26, 1870.


    • Clearing up a common misconception, in Greek, X means Christ. That is where the word “X-Mas” comes from.


    • Traditionally, Christmas trees are taken down after Epiphany.




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Christmas Eve

The day that comes before the day of Christmas and the day on which baby Jesus was born, is known to be Christmas Eve. The day of Christmas is a Christian holiday but is celebrated all around the world irrespective of religion and culture and the day preceding this day or the Christmas Eve is also an equally important holiday.

People are seen to be in a mood for Christmas weeks before the arrival of this day and thus people also observe the Christmas Eve in anticipation of the main day which follows. However, both the days, Christmas Eve as well as Christmas, are considered to be the two most important days of celebration in Western and Christian society across the world.

In the Western Christianity, the Christian celebrations begin on the night of 24th December rather than 25th December itself and have been the tradition for centuries. It is mainly because the Christian liturgical day starts after sunset which is a tradition the Christians have inherited from the Jewish practice. Several churches like the Nordic Lutheran Churches hold prayers and ring their bells in the evening even today.

As the legends and tradition says that Jesus Christ was born at midnight of 24th December, various midnight masses are held on the night of Christmas Eve to celebrate and commemorate the birth of baby Jesus. The very idea that Jesus was born at midnight is clear from the fact that Christmas Eve  is also called Heilige Nacht meaning the holy night in German and Nochebuena meaning the good night in Spanish.  This thought is also reflected in the English Christmas song, silent night.

Many other traditions are customs are associated with Christmas Eve. People around the world attend feasts with their family and loved ones on this day, decorates the Christmas tree and the entire house with special lights. Wrapping up, exchanging and opening gifts are a common practice done during this holiday since Christmas is all about spreading love and happiness.

As the legend goes, on the Eve of Christmas, the mythical entities like Santa Clause, Christkind, Saint Nicholas and Father Christmas are believed to begin their annual journey of bearing gifts from their secret abode in North Pole and delivering them to children’s houses all over the world in the nightfall when they are fast asleep as reward of being good and well behaved throughout the year. However, in the 16th century, until the introduction of Christkind by the Protestants in Europe, these legendary figures were believed to deliver gifts on the day before the feast of St Nicholas Day, which is observed on the 6th of December.

The tradition of exchanging gifts
In the 16th century and 17th century Europe, at the time of Reformation, several Protestants converted the gift bearer to Christkindl or the Christ Child and also changed the date of giving presents from 6th of December to 24th December, which is the eve of Christmas. The night of Christmas Eve is considered to be the night when Santa Clause makes his secretive nightly visits to the houses and delivers attractive presents to the children who have been good throughout the year and didn’t do any mischief.

This age old tradition of gift giving can be traced back to the famous legend in which the three Magi or the three wise men had visited Jesus Christ and gifted him frankincense, gold and myrrh to baby Jesus right after he was born. In few places like Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Croatia, Saint Nicholas is believed to be the gift bearer and this custom is carried out on the 6th of December. However, they believe Christkind or Child Jesus to be the present bringer on the day of Christmas. In many parts of Germany, Poland, Austria, Switzerland and Czech Republic, gifts and presents are commonly exchanged on the evening of Christmas Eve while the children are told that those presents had been delivered by Christkind or by Weihnachtsmann earlier in their absence.

However, in Germany, gifts are also given on the 6th of December by St Nicholas, whom the natives call Nikolaus, along with his helper, Knecht Ruprecht. Joulupukki in Finland, Julenissen in Norway and Jultomten in Sweden meets all the children personally and gives them their presents every year on the evening of 24th December. In countries like Austria, Argentina, Bulgaria, Denmark, Colombia, Faroe Island, France, Finland, Estonia, Hungary, Germany, Slovakia, Latvia, Iceland, Norway, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Portugal, Romania, Poland, Quebec, Uruguay, Czech Republic, Sweden and Switzerland, the gifts and presents are given mostly on the Christmas Eve or on the 24th of December. This tradition is also followed by the Royal Family of Britain due to their German ancestry.

However in the United States of America, Italy, Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom, South Africa, English province of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the custom of exchanging gifts is carried out in the morning of Christmas. In the Latin American countries, all the people, including the children, usually stay up till midnight to unwrap their presents.  In Spain, the gifts are given and opened on the morning of 6th January, which is the Epiphany Day, instead of 24th or 25th December as a part of their tradition.

However, in countries like Uruguay and Argentina, people receive gifts on both of the days, around Christmas and Epiphany Day. In Netherlands and Belgium, it is believed that Sinterklaas or St Nicholas delivers gifts to all the children on the evening of 5th December, the day before his name day, with the help of his companion, Zwarte Piet. People here typically go to church, attend feasts or watch the midnight mass on television on the Christmas Eve.


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