Wedding Dream Symbols

Wedding related dream themes are pretty commonly reported. However, these are not always seen by those who are going to get married in the near future. These dreams are often seen by those who are expecting some changes in their life or are going through a transitional phase in life.

These dreams are also commonly reported by people who are anxious about committing to something – it may be about bringing a pet home or even buying a new home – anything that involves long term responsibilities. Wedding dreams can be due to your excitement about your life, or it may also be suggestive of the fact that you have found harmony with your own self and your life and surroundings.

Well, if you are someone who is either getting married or are organizing a wedding, then such wedding dreams are pretty easy to decipher and are suggestive of your tension and stress about the smooth success of the above said event. However, if you are someone who is already married or are not considering marriage at least at the moment, then such dreams are representative of some innermost feelings and anxieties that you possess.

  • When your wedding is impending


When you have wedding dreams, and your wedding is in the near future, it is not very difficult to anticipate that such dreams manifest from your excitement and happiness, and also your anxieties about your wedding.


  • Wedding Cake


If you see that you are cutting your wedding cake then it suggests that you are in a state of harmony and perfect equilibrium in your life. If you see that you are eating a wedding cake then it is suggestive of sensuality.


  • Wedding Rings


If you see that you have lost your wedding ring, it may be suggestive of the fact that there is an ongoing problem in your relationship with your partner. Otherwise a dream related to a wedding ring is linked to happiness in intimate or romantic relationships.


  • Engagement Rings


These are considered to be symbol of love and commitment. As such seeing these in your dreams are suggestive of the fact that you are in love or that you are ready to take your relationship to the next level and get committed.


  • Wedding Dresses


Trying on a wedding dress is indicative of the fact that you are still in the phase of assessing the merits and demerits of the relationship that you are in. A feeling of awkwardness, ill at ease, or improperly fitting of your wedding dress is suggestive of the fact that either you feel you are unworthy of the particular relationship or your partner is.


  • Wedding Veil


Veils are symbols of coy and innocence, humility and grace. However, these could also suggest that you are trying to conceal something.


  • Wedding Tuxedo


This is representative of the fact that you have high ambitions and the willingness to make your mark in this world.


  • Attending a Wedding Rehearsal


This is indicative of the fact that you are aware of an impending change in your life and you are preparing yourself to embrace it to the best of your abilities.


  • Proposals


This is indicative of the fact that you are at an important juncture of your life where you are considering the options that exist before you, and you are well aware that the choice you make would have a permanent impact on your life. It does not necessarily have to be a wedding proposal, it could be a new job, a new home or even considering to have a child.


  • Attending a Wedding


When you see yourself attending a wedding it is indicative of the fact that you know that you are on the threshold of a transitional period of your life. Such a dream can also be a symbolic representation of the feelings that you consciously relate to in your waking world.


  • Losing Something Important for Your Wedding/ Something Important Is Missing at the Wedding


Frequent wedding dream nightmares include losing something important, something that is an integral part of the function, and something without which the wedding would either remain incomplete or there may arise situations of awkwardness and embarrassment. Such elements could be anything from your wedding ring to dress to tuxedo to favors. Or you may dream that your caterer or stylist has not turned up. This has nothing much to do with such incidences. This actually represents the fact that you are anxious about losing control over your life or at least certain aspects of your life. Seeing such dreams is not only meant for those who are soon to get married. These are often reported to be seen by those who are anticipating any change in their life or who are going through some transitional phase in their life, and are pretty anxious about the outcome.


  • Your fiancée does not show up for the wedding/ No One Shows Up to Your Wedding


Standing alone in the altar and waiting for your fiancée to turn up before all the assembled guests to is one of the most embarrassing experiences one can have. Or you may perhaps dream of a wedding party where none of your guests turn up. For those who are getting married, this could be the final call of anxiety or doubt of entering into a commitment. For others too it is about some life changing commitments that you are nervous about.


  • Showing Up to Your Own Wedding Naked


In terms of dream interpretation, nudity is linked with the feeling of being exposed or to come clean about everything. In life this may translate to a feeling of vulnerability.


  • A Guest Misbehaves At Your Wedding


It is a common theme of a wedding dream to see that your ex has turned up to create a scene at the wedding, or perhaps a guest spills champagne on your dress, or someone breaking crystal while you toast etc. This is nothing but your anxiety about the outcome of something – an exam, a project etc – which you fear may get ruined at the last moment.

  • Marrying Your Ex


This means that you have finally found harmony. You have learnt from the mistakes of the past, picked up ways to rectify them, vouched that you shall not repeat such mistakes, and are ready to move on.


  • Eloping


This is a symbolic representation of the fact that you are too stressed and are trying to find an escape.


  • Marrying Your Current Spouse all over again


This is indicative of the fact that you are serious about your commitments. This may also indicate that you are about to enter into a phase of serious responsibilities – may be becoming a parent or starting a new business, etc.


  • Running From Your Own Wedding


This is indicate of the fact that you are scared to face any change that is impending in your life and so you are looking to dodge.


  • Annulment of your marriage


This is indicative of the fact that you are aware of the problems in your life, but are in a mode of denial.

Dream Interpretation
Body Parts in Dreams Chase Dreams Cheating Dreams
Common Dreams Daydreams Death Dreams
Epic Dreams Falling Dreams Flying Dreams
Lucid Dreams Naked Dreams Nightmares
Prophetic Dreams Recurring Dreams Snake Dreams
Teeth Dreams Test Dreams

Dream Symbols
Alphabet Dream Symbols Animal Dream Symbols Bird Dream Symbols
Bug Dream Symbols Car Dream Symbols Character Dream Symbols
Clothing Dream Symbols Colors Dream Symbols Common Dream Symbols
Death Dream Symbols Disaster Dream Symbols Feelings Dream Symbols
Food Dream Symbols House Dream Symbols Numbers Dream Symbol
Places Dream Symbols Pregnancy Dream Symbols Relationship Dream Symbols
Travel Dream Symbols Vanity Dream Symbols Wedding Dream Symbols

Dream Theories
Dream Theories of C.G. Jung Dream Theories of Calvin S. Hall, Jr. Dream Theories of Frederick Perls
Dream Theory of Alfred Adler Sigmund Freud’s Dream Theory

Vanity Dream Symbols

Human beings by nature are conscious about the image they project before the world and are anxious about how others perceive them to be.

These human physical features and attributes are often attached special significance that makeup a person’s characteristics. These are what build up a person’s self esteem and often confidence too.

Also, many people take extra efforts to maintain their physical appearance – they resort to natural ways or to clinical treatments to maintain their vanity. It is as such no surprise that such vanity features would get featured in human dreams and would bear special meanings too!

Here are some common vanity features and their symbolic significance when they appear in a dream –

Vanity Interpretation
Abscess This is suggestive of the fact that you are privy so some information that others are unaware of, and you are eager to disclose that to all and sundry.
Acrylic Nails This is indicative of your desire to reach out to others. However, you may have some vested interest about this endeavor.
Age This may express your anxiety of actually getting old. It may also be representative of your regret of not having achieved all that you desired. Getting older may be symbolic of either wisdom or rigidity, depending on context; while getting younger is representative of youthful and carefree nature. It may also mean that you are feeling nostalgic.
Appearance Your image is the way you want people to perceive you and the way you appear in your dreams can be directly related to your self esteem and self confidence.
Bald Curiously it has been established that going bald is often associated with sacrifice and humility. It may also be suggestive of your anxiety about getting old. It may also symbolize that you do not fear disclosing anything about yourself.
Beard Beard is symbolic representation of insight and wisdom. It may also suggest deception and also the fact that you are probably trying to conceal something. This is also representative of masculinity.
Beauty/ Pretty This is probably representation of the attributes in yourself that you like, and want people to appreciate.
Botox This is expression of your anxiety about aging. This may also suggest that you are trying to hide certain emotions or anxieties in you.
Breast Implants This is suggestive of the fact that you are probably not happy with the way you look.
Cold Sore More likely than not you have spoken harsh words in the heat of the moment and are now regretting having said so.
Complexion This is also your thought about how people perceive you.
Dandruff This may be indicative of low self esteem or lack of confidence. This may also suggest of some impending problem. It is perhaps an indication of high level or stress and anxiety.
Dentures Dentures represent falsehood. Depending on who you see in dentures, it may be that you are being deceitful or that someone is deceiving you.
Disfiguration This means that you have suffered due to some experience from your past – physically or mentally. It may also suggest that you are no more what you were or have been.
Exfoliation It indicates that you are prepared to reveal who you really are, or perhaps are prepared to let your guard down.
Eye Mask This is suggestive of ignorance, and also of the fact that you are unable to face a situation head on.
Eye Shadow You are either trying to create an aura of mystery around something or are blowing something out of proportion.
Eye Liner This is signaling you to focus on something that needs your immediate attention.
Face This is representative of the image that you create of yourself for the world at large and is perhaps different from who you really are. However, if you see someone else’s face then the interpretation changes and depends on the context of the dream – it can range from duality of character to coming clean about something, all depending on what you exactly see in the dream.
Facelift This is suggestive of the fact that you are trying to create a new image for yourself.
Facial This is the part of you where others are allowed access.
Hair Hair represents physical aspects like health and virility, sensuality and vanity. The way you see your hair (tangled, smooth etc) are indicative of your characteristics or your emotional condition at least at that particular juncture of life.
Haircut It could be a new beginning for you, or perhaps you are getting rid of something unwanted. It may also be suggestive of unfair criticism or lack of power.
Hair Dresser This is suggestive of the fact that you want others to see things from your perspective.
Hair Spray You probably get a lot bothered about what people think of you.
Highlights You are looking to bring in some fresh new perspectives or are eager to see life from a whole new view point.
Liposuction It means that you attach a lot of importance on your physical appearance. It can even mean that you want to take drastic measures to get rid of some responsibilities that have become burdensome to you.
Lipstick Red lipstick symbolizes sensuality. Putting on lipstick is indicative of deceitful words. It could also be a warning to beware of what others say.
Makeup You are trying to put your best foot forward, or are perhaps trying to hide something nasty under a beautiful veneer.
Manicure Manicure is all about your glamour quotient and beauty factor.
Mascara You should be more watchful about something or someone.
Mirror This is your insight to you inner self.
Pedicure Indicative of your progression in life with dignity.
Pimples This is indicative of low self esteem or a feeling of awkwardness. Popping zit is indicative of repressed emotions truing to erupt.
Plastic Surgery You are trying to re build your image and change the way people look at you for the better.
Powder There has been some mistake which you are vehemently trying to cover up for.
Rouge Wearing rouge is indicative of the fact that you are being manipulative or deceptive. But if you see yourself washing away rouge it means that you are trying to make your life an open book.
Scar These are representative of the struggles and pains that you have faced in your life. The wounds may have healed or perhaps you are still nursing them. These may also indicate deep rooted insecurities that are holding you back from reaching your target.
Skin Skin in your dream may symbolize a lot of stuff depending on context. It means that all you have is only skin deep – that is to say that you are shallow. It may also mean that you are trying to mask your innermost feelings and emotions. It may also indicate that you are not prepared to face the harsh realities of life.
Split Ends It indicates that there are some problems and elements in life that you should simply terminate for your own good.
Stretch Marks These are symbolic representation of your innate insecurities. These may also suggest that you are perhaps too self sacrificing and in that attempt you over extend yourself to be accommodative.
Tan This is suggestive of the fact that there are two sides to every coin – positive and negative.
Teeth The conditions of the teeth you see in your dreams are indicative of the condition you are facing in your life.
Tweezers Symbolizes accuracy and precision. It is also indicative that you need to look at some situation more closely.
Uni-brow This expresses the fact that you probably feel insecure about how you look. It may be also suggestive of the fact that you are hiding certain attributes within yourself.

Dream Interpretation
Body Parts in Dreams Chase Dreams Cheating Dreams
Common Dreams Daydreams Death Dreams
Epic Dreams Falling Dreams Flying Dreams
Lucid Dreams Naked Dreams Nightmares
Prophetic Dreams Recurring Dreams Snake Dreams
Teeth Dreams Test Dreams

Dream Symbols
Alphabet Dream Symbols Animal Dream Symbols Bird Dream Symbols
Bug Dream Symbols Car Dream Symbols Character Dream Symbols
Clothing Dream Symbols Colors Dream Symbols Common Dream Symbols
Death Dream Symbols Disaster Dream Symbols Feelings Dream Symbols
Food Dream Symbols House Dream Symbols Numbers Dream Symbol
Places Dream Symbols Pregnancy Dream Symbols Relationship Dream Symbols
Travel Dream Symbols Vanity Dream Symbols Wedding Dream Symbols

Dream Theories
Dream Theories of C.G. Jung Dream Theories of Calvin S. Hall, Jr. Dream Theories of Frederick Perls
Dream Theory of Alfred Adler Sigmund Freud’s Dream Theory

Travel Dream Symbols

Traveling dreams form some of the most emotionally charged dreams for they compel the dreamer to take a journey within the “self”, and take a spiritual tour to have a better understanding of the innermost feelings and emotions.

Travel dreams are often indicative of the various developmental stages of your life – outward or inward. While interpreting travel dreams it is of utmost importance that you consider the minutest details of your dream for the correct interpretation.

  • When you see yourself Time Travelling


Time travel is an interesting subject in dream and various thinkers and psychologists have attached various meanings to such dreams. The most common interpretation of a dream where you are traveling through time is that you are not happy in the situation of life you are currently in, and as such you either want to rewind or fast forward your life to live in happier times.

It may also indicate end to some emotional bonds that are coming in the way of the larger goals that you have in life. These dreams could also suggest that you regret having done something in the past and would like to change it, for it is either affecting your quality of life at present, or you fear that it may have some adverse effect on your life in the future.


  • When you see yourself travelling around the World


Traveling dreams are seldom expression of your desire to travel. They are more intertwined with the emotions embedded in you and also with the conditions of life you have faced or are facing. Traveling the world is perhaps an indication that you have overworked yourself or are overburdened with the responsibilities of life and are considering to take a break – your travel dream in such a case would be a symbolic representation of your desire to escape the pressures that life is creating on you. Traveling round the world is also indicative of the fact that you should take some important decisions in life – about your goals and targets. It may also indicate an urge or a nudge to break free the confinement of your soul. It may be suggestive of living your life out of the box.


  • When you are travelling via train


When a journey by train appears in a dream it can be potent with a lot of messages and should be interpreted in context to know the right indications. It may so be that you are burdened with a lot of responsibilities which would be best for you to share with others around you – you would probably find help if you look for it. It may also suggest that you are going with the flow of your life or just the way others are going without trying to curve a special niche for yourself. Train journey is in its essence a symbolic representation of the journey of your life.  A train crash is indicative of the chaos and mayhem in your life.


  • When you have traveled to a dessert


These are usually associated with an unhappy phase of your life. It could be indicative of a lot of things, all negative, unfortunately. It could be a feeling of desertion that exists within you – a feeling of solitude or loneliness. Or perhaps the dream is indicative of the fact that you have probably lost something in life that was of high importance to you. Desert dreams have often found to be messengers of the subconscious mind that try to bring to your consciousness certain incidences that are about to happen. Traveling through a desert means that you lack happiness and enjoyment in life and are feeling emotional vacuum. It may also suggest that you are losing your creativity. It could also indicate bareness or infertility or impotency.


  • When the plane you are traveling in crashes


When you dream of a plane crash, more often than not it is suggestive of the fact that some of your hopes and aspirations in life have been smashed. It is highly indicative of the fact that you are in a negative frame of mind. It could also be a symbolic representation of the fact that there is some trouble brewing up in the horizon of your life. It may also suggest that you have pinned your hopes on something unrealistic, and that there is a high probability that the castle in the wind would come crashing. It may also indicate that you are suffering from lack of confidence. Consider whether you have some fears embedded deep inside that is preventing you from making progress in life.



  • Travelling to a dead end


If you see in your dreams that you are faced by a dead end at the end of your journey, it is indicative of the fact that you need to reconsider the decisions that you are taking or have taken in your life, for the path you are traversing would not take you anywhere. It is a symbolic representation of the fact that the path you are traversing would not lead you to your desired destination. This may also be a form of self repression that gets expressed through your dreams. There is probably something that is holding you back from making progression, and your subconscious mind is as such sending messages for you to break free from the clutches of the past or any mental block that you have that is causing hindrance in your progression.



  • Condition of the Road that you are traveling by


When you are traveling in your dreams, the condition of the road that you are traversing is one important point that is taken into consideration for interpreting the true meaning of your dreams by the psychologists and researchers. Was the path rocky or was the ride a smooth one? Were you travelling alone or did you have company? A smooth ride in happy company is indicative that you are going through a happy phase in your life. On the contrary, a lone journey denotes solitude, and a rough or rocky ride is indicative of the hurdles that you are perhaps facing in your waking life. The rough ride could also indicate fear of failure. Likewise, a travel that takes you through lush greenery indicates of fulfillment, contentment, abundance and enjoyment all around.



  • Getting into a by-lane during your travel or getting isolated from others


If you see that in your travel you get sidetracked or isolated from others or that you have to take a by lane then it is indicative of the fact that you have lost focus in your life. There are perhaps too many distractions around you and you are lagging behind in the race and in the course of it getting deviated from your target. Getting lost is here a transparent enough metaphor to comprehend and it plainly suggests that you are not confident of your next course of action or not sure of what you want to do next. It may also mean that you fear losing your identity and trying to distance yourself from others in your attempt to cover up for your insecurities or shortcomings.

Dream Interpretation
Body Parts in Dreams Chase Dreams Cheating Dreams
Common Dreams Daydreams Death Dreams
Epic Dreams Falling Dreams Flying Dreams
Lucid Dreams Naked Dreams Nightmares
Prophetic Dreams Recurring Dreams Snake Dreams
Teeth Dreams Test Dreams

Dream Symbols
Alphabet Dream Symbols Animal Dream Symbols Bird Dream Symbols
Bug Dream Symbols Car Dream Symbols Character Dream Symbols
Clothing Dream Symbols Colors Dream Symbols Common Dream Symbols
Death Dream Symbols Disaster Dream Symbols Feelings Dream Symbols
Food Dream Symbols House Dream Symbols Numbers Dream Symbol
Places Dream Symbols Pregnancy Dream Symbols Relationship Dream Symbols
Travel Dream Symbols Vanity Dream Symbols Wedding Dream Symbols

Dream Theories
Dream Theories of C.G. Jung Dream Theories of Calvin S. Hall, Jr. Dream Theories of Frederick Perls
Dream Theory of Alfred Adler Sigmund Freud’s Dream Theory

Test Dreams

Test Dreams have been reported to be very common among people with one of every five cases that dream analysts come across being that about a test or exam of some kind. These dreams could be a pretty confounding experience if you have been seeing them.

These are so vivid that people often say that they can even remember the minutest of details. Well, Test Dreams have been basically associated with stress and tension of some kind.

The exam room, the ticking of the clock marking time, the questions etc have been mostly related to anxiety and worry by most people, and the subconscious has thus recorded such situations with those kinds of emotions. Well, Test Dreams can be literal manifestations of an impending exam or test.

But people who have long past that stage also report of such dreams for the subconscious mind relates to any kind of stress and anxiety with that of taking a test. It could even be the message that the subconscious mind is sending you to be conscious about certain shortcomings that you have and to rectify them for better performance in life.

Is there anyone or anything that is challenging your capability? Do you feel that you are unprepared to achieve well and to compete with others? These are what can trigger test dreams relating to lagging behind. Test dreams could be positive ones too, and many a times people have reported that these positive test dreams have motivated them for better performance in life.

  • Common Variations of Test Dreams:


As we keep on saying each dream differs in its own way and the variations depend a lot upon the various challenges or situations of life that the viewer is going through or has experienced or is anticipating to experience. The interesting fact about test dreams is that the dreamers of various cross sections with varied backgrounds have often talked about the same setting while describing a test dream. Now let us discuss some common variations of test dreams –


o    You are running out of time – You want to prove a lot of things but do not have adequate time or opportunities.


o    You are running late for a test – You are either very disorganized in life or fear that you shall not be able to keep up to something.


o    You are unable to find the destination of test or the seat you are assigned for the test – You lack confidence in taking situations to your stride and are feeling left behind in life.


o    You have forgotten to carry your stationery items – Implies that you feel unprepared to face something that is already happening or is coming up.


o    You visualize the whole thing in a language unknown to you


o    You have failed in a test – You fear that you are not being able to keep up to the expectations.


o    You have performed brilliantly or beyond your expectations in a test – You feel confident that you have a strong footing in life and would be able to outdo others.




  • Inferences that can be drawn from Test Dreams:


From the above discussions we can safely conclude that test dreams do not necessarily have to be negative ones, these could be positive too. the interpretations of your Test Dreams depends on what exactly you see in your dreams plotted against the situations that you have been facing or anticipating in your life. Researchers have opined that Test Dreams are greatly related to the level of confidence that the dreamer has. Test Dreams basically are trying to convey you the message that perhaps you are trying to move on to the next level in your life which you are finding difficult to achieve. Positive test dreams are the manifestations of the happiness and the confidence that you feel when you have taken or are sure to take something to your stride.


Here is a summed up list of the inferences one can draw from Test Dreams –


Negative Test Dreams



o    When you are procrastinating with anxiety about something that you need to do

o    When you feel scared to next the next step in anything – in a relationship, in your profession etc.

o    When you feel afraid that others would leave you behind

o    When you fear of failure in any competition – it may even be the race of life

o    When you feel lonely and that you have no support, which consequently scares you

o    When your confidence level is low

o    When you have fear of performance of any kind

o    When do feel that you are not prepared for something

o    When you lack self esteem

o    When you feel that you have no motivation

o    When you feel that you are stuck somewhere in life and are unable to move forward

o    When you feel that someone is scrutinizing you

o    When you are in a mode of self assessment

o    When you feel that you are not up for a challenge that life is bringing your way

o    When you feel heightened sense of pressure to perform in life

o    When you feel that you are trying too hard to prove yourself but in vain



Positive Test Dreams



o    When you feel satisfied by where you stand in life

o    When you are confidence of your performance of any kind in life

o    When do feel that you prepared for anything

o    When you have adequate self esteem

o    When you feel that you are inspired and motivated

o    When you feel that you have a proper direction in life and are moving forward

o    When you feel confident

o    When you have proven yourself in life

o    When you feel like a winner in the race of life

When you feel you have given your best shot

Dream Interpretation
Body Parts in Dreams Chase Dreams Cheating Dreams
Common Dreams Daydreams Death Dreams
Epic Dreams Falling Dreams Flying Dreams
Lucid Dreams Naked Dreams Nightmares
Prophetic Dreams Recurring Dreams Snake Dreams
Teeth Dreams Test Dreams

Dream Symbols
Alphabet Dream Symbols Animal Dream Symbols Bird Dream Symbols
Bug Dream Symbols Car Dream Symbols Character Dream Symbols
Clothing Dream Symbols Colors Dream Symbols Common Dream Symbols
Death Dream Symbols Disaster Dream Symbols Feelings Dream Symbols
Food Dream Symbols House Dream Symbols Numbers Dream Symbol
Places Dream Symbols Pregnancy Dream Symbols Relationship Dream Symbols
Travel Dream Symbols Vanity Dream Symbols Wedding Dream Symbols

Dream Theories
Dream Theories of C.G. Jung Dream Theories of Calvin S. Hall, Jr. Dream Theories of Frederick Perls
Dream Theory of Alfred Adler Sigmund Freud’s Dream Theory

Teeth Dreams

Dream journals since thousands of years have reported of teeth dreams in various forms. Teeth Dreams are considered to be one of the most common dream symbols. These dreams are often reported to be scary experiences.

Interpretations of teeth dreams have regional influence too for various cultures have sought varied meanings of these dreams. For example, the Chinese people believe that when one dreams of falling teeth it means that the person is lying about something or have been deceitful.

Greeks believe that losing teeth in your dreams foretell of sickness or death of someone in the family or someone who is dear to you. Some cultures have also related losing teeth dreams to losing money. When we speak of Teeth Dreams we include a variety of options that you can see in your dream. Maintaining a dream journal would help you to remember the details of your dreams and arrive at the inference later on.

  • Associating Death or Ill Health with Teeth Dreams:


Since many years people have associated teeth dreams with death. It may not mean death of the person seeing the dream. It could be death in the family or of someone you know. Dream analysts, researchers and psychologists have found out that there is a strange relation between death and teeth dreams. Many books, forums and dream journals have reported that people who had teeth dreams often faced death of a near one soon after. Teeth Dreams may also bring news of ill health of someone close. However this does not mean that a teeth dream should be related to any future prophecy.


Discussed below are various Types of Teeth Dreams and their interpretations:


  • When you dream of Pulling Teeth:


These kinds of dreams indicate that something perhaps needs to come out. Mostly researchers have opined that these dreams indicate that you need to speak out something or disclose certain information that you were shielding so long. It could also be a message to you to pull yourself if you have been facing some challenges in your life. If you see someone else pulling out your teeth it could be suggestive of the fact that the person wants something of you. This dream may have literal manifestation when you have tooth ache and need to visit a dentist for extraction.


  • When you dream of Rotting Teeth:


Rotten teeth are believed to symbolize the various anxieties you feel and the fears that you have deep within. Some researchers also believe that these dreams are an outcome of how you perceive your image and how you think others may think of you. Being rotten symbolizes decay. Now think of it in context of your life. Are you experiencing any kind of damage or weakening – be it of an object or a relationship or bonding? If yes, then that could be the cause of your dream.


  • When you dream of  Broken or Chipped Teeth:


Broken teeth could be your perception of your image that you want to be corrected. It could also be a metaphor of some problem that you may be having in your life. The problem may not be obvious to you, but it is noticeable by others. These could also suggest that there may be something in your life that requires repairing – it may be your health, your relationship or something else. It could also mean that there may exist some external or internal agents trying to break your stamina.


  • When you dream of Falling Teeth:


Falling teeth are the commonest kind of teeth dreams. These are generally representative of all the worries and anxieties in your life that are beyond your control. People have often reporting seeing such dreams when they feel that their life is going beyond their control. Perhaps you are feeling too stressed or you are trying too hard to stay youthful or you have hidden something or are in some relationship that is going astray or are afraid of getting embarrassed in public.


  • When you dream of Crumbling Teeth:


Crumbling teeth dreams are outcome of your fear of old age. Or such dreams can be manifestations of the fact that you feel that your world is falling apart and you are helpless about it.


  • When you dream of losing your Teeth:


Losing your teeth may indicate that you are experiencing an uncontrollable amount of stress or anxiety in your life, and this is breaking you in some way, and you desire to fix it. These can also occur when you in vain try to hold on to something. These have been reported also to occur in incidences when you fear failure, dread that you may get embarrassed or lack control in your life. Losing teeth dreams have also been associated to financial loss.


  • When you dream of False Teeth:


False teeth relate to something that is unreal or superficial. It could also mean that you are either keeping some truth to yourself or are breaking rules in some way. At times it can also stem out of guilt feelings when you disclose a secret you were not meant to; or perhaps you behaved or conversed inappropriately. It could also mean that you feel that you are upholding an image of yourself that is not what you are in reality.


  • When you see that you are Spitting out Teeth:


This dream is more common among elderly people and is perceived as a message that you think that you are gradually losing your physical charm or glamour; and that is affecting in the way people perceive your image. It may even occur in middle ages or relatively young people who constantly fear losing their youth. This dream could also symbolize that you have suppressed something – information or emotion – deep within, for a while, and now that is causing you so much stress that you simply want to spit it out.

Dream Interpretation
Body Parts in Dreams Chase Dreams Cheating Dreams
Common Dreams Daydreams Death Dreams
Epic Dreams Falling Dreams Flying Dreams
Lucid Dreams Naked Dreams Nightmares
Prophetic Dreams Recurring Dreams Snake Dreams
Teeth Dreams Test Dreams

Dream Symbols
Alphabet Dream Symbols Animal Dream Symbols Bird Dream Symbols
Bug Dream Symbols Car Dream Symbols Character Dream Symbols
Clothing Dream Symbols Colors Dream Symbols Common Dream Symbols
Death Dream Symbols Disaster Dream Symbols Feelings Dream Symbols
Food Dream Symbols House Dream Symbols Numbers Dream Symbol
Places Dream Symbols Pregnancy Dream Symbols Relationship Dream Symbols
Travel Dream Symbols Vanity Dream Symbols Wedding Dream Symbols

Dream Theories
Dream Theories of C.G. Jung Dream Theories of Calvin S. Hall, Jr. Dream Theories of Frederick Perls
Dream Theory of Alfred Adler Sigmund Freud’s Dream Theory

Snake Dreams

When you have been dreaming about snakes it is perhaps making you conscious about some of the challenging you are feeling deep within or are actually facing in your life. There are various interpretations of Snake Dreams and the interpretations vary from one thinker to another.

For example, Freud put forward a classical dream interpretation theory according to which when you see a snake in your dream the snake there is a symbolic representation of a phallic character and could actually be directing towards a male figure or character or may be referring to male energy or even may relate to how you experience or express your sexuality.

However, interpretation of Snake dreams does not stop here. There are various other explanations, some of which are rooted to socio cultural and religious background.

  • Analyzing Snake Dream:


When analyzing a dream involving a snake the rule is to first understand the attributes that one generally associate with the animal including your beliefs and thoughts about the animal. Now you have to understand the various situations that you are facing in your life and whether any situation or the emotions that such situations stir in you can be related to any attribute associated with snake.

Mostly Snake Dreams are associated with the unconscious and these are calls that the subconscious sends to your conscious mind. Snake is perceived as untamed and beyond control. Think deep. Is there any part in you that is beyond your control and that you have not expressed yourself properly? Do you need more space to develop harmony within you? Or perhaps there are challenging situations that you may have to deal with in your life. Or it may also be so that you are trying to tackle a challenging side of your nature. This can also be derived from the fact that snakes generally attack when confronted.

Snakes are also related to unpredictability and element of surprise since they can appear and disappear with a blink of an eye. As such Snake dreams can also relate to uncertainty in life that you may be experiencing. Snakes are associated with the ground since they slither on earth and seeing a snake in your dream can also be an expression of the fact that you feel grounded in life.

Snakes shed skin, and as such snakes are related to transformations in life; and as such it is often seen that snake dreams are experienced when a person is going through a transitional phase in one’s life – a change in job or relationship status or relocation or anything that means change. Snake is poisonous – as such snake is associated with death or even something frightful. Snake has antidote of venom – as such snake can also mean that you can combat with the challenges of life. As mentioned earlier, interpreting your Snake Dream would depend on your life’s events and the exact visuals of your dream.

  • Some interpretations associated with various types of Snake Dreams:
  • The snake in your dream symbolizes your unconscious mind and it is bringing you some message from your subconscious to your awareness.


  • You are in the process of healing, or resolving an issue.


  • The snake represents that you have untapped energy or resource within you or there is a part of you that is yet to be tamed.


  • Snake represents a spiritual mind that connects you with yourself deeply.


  • A Snake Dream is perhaps making you aware of some hidden threats in life.


  • Snake represents the fact that you are going through a transitional phase in your life.


  • Snake at times makes you aware of the fact that you are experiencing a difficult situation in life or are going through emotions that are unsettling you.


  • There are some unknown factors in your life which are unnerving you; or you are anticipating uncertainty in your life.


  • When the snake in your dream is neutral or friendly, it may suggest that although there are factors of fear or concern, there is also assurance of taking them to your stride.


  • A wild snake in your dream may represent the fact that there are certain factors in your life that you cannot control.


  • Dreaming of a snake that is like a pet to you, suggests that you have taken to stride all the challenges of life and are in the process of healing.


  • When you see yourself fighting with a snake this may suggest that you are resisting some kind of decision or change that you may be experiencing in your life.


  • Snake dream may also suggest that you are fighting for power in your personal or even professional life.


  • When you see that you are being chased by a snake it may indicate that there are certain situations or emotions that you find intimidating that that they keep haunting you.


  • When you see that you are being attacked by a snake it suggests that you are trying to deal with life’s various challenges in your own way.


  • When you see that you are being bitten by a snake it means that you need to be more attentive about an issue that you may have been avoiding, an issue that is perhaps intimidating or uncomfortable for you.


  • When you see that a snake is spitting venom on you it is indicative of all the negative or poisonous influences that you may have in your life – it may be a situation or a person.


  • When you see that you are talking to a snake it implies that you are undergoing a process of delving deep within yourself to attain higher knowledge – you are perhaps about to receive some mystical message.


  • When you see that you are having a conversation with a snake it indicates that life has brought to you the chances when your hidden potentials and creativity are being acknowledged. This may also indicate that a world of new opportunities may open up before you.

Dream Interpretation
Body Parts in Dreams Chase Dreams Cheating Dreams
Common Dreams Daydreams Death Dreams
Epic Dreams Falling Dreams Flying Dreams
Lucid Dreams Naked Dreams Nightmares
Prophetic Dreams Recurring Dreams Snake Dreams
Teeth Dreams Test Dreams

Dream Symbols
Alphabet Dream Symbols Animal Dream Symbols Bird Dream Symbols
Bug Dream Symbols Car Dream Symbols Character Dream Symbols
Clothing Dream Symbols Colors Dream Symbols Common Dream Symbols
Death Dream Symbols Disaster Dream Symbols Feelings Dream Symbols
Food Dream Symbols House Dream Symbols Numbers Dream Symbol
Places Dream Symbols Pregnancy Dream Symbols Relationship Dream Symbols
Travel Dream Symbols Vanity Dream Symbols Wedding Dream Symbols

Dream Theories
Dream Theories of C.G. Jung Dream Theories of Calvin S. Hall, Jr. Dream Theories of Frederick Perls
Dream Theory of Alfred Adler Sigmund Freud’s Dream Theory

Sigmund Freud’s Dream Theory

Freud can be given the credit for being the first person to research on why we dream and devised scientific methods to analyze the dreams. His psychodynamic approach led to understanding the human subconscious.

According to Freud people sleep when they feel tired of receiving external stimuli sent to them by the environment and responding to them. In other words it can also be said that sleeping is a way of withdrawing from reality.

However, even in your sleep there should be a level of alertness present, so that you can respond, if any emergency situation takes place while you are asleep. You respond to external stimuli in your sleep without waking up. Also such stimuli are in constant action even when you are asleep. Some of such stimuli get manifested to dreams.

Freud believed that the human mind can be categorized into three divisions:


  1. Superego: Super ego is the virtuous part in you that always works to counter balance your primal instincts and basic urges. It is what makes you strive to behave properly and be socially appropriate and acceptable.
  2. Ego: This forms a part of your conscious mind and is highly dependent on the reality. It is what makes you please the Id without causing any problem or any long term trouble or trauma. This is what seeks to achieve a balance between your super ego and your Id. This is the root cause of the various psychodynamic features, for example, your defense mechanisms.
  3. Id: According to Freud Id represents the basic human instincts and emotions. These also include the basic drives and impulses. It seeks pleasure without wanting to bear any pain.


Now let us have a look at how these three concepts can be related to your dreams. Freud believed that when you are awake your superego is the one that controls your ego, and as a consequence of that you act in a manner that is socially accepted and is expected from you. This means that there are times when your superego suppresses your Id. But when you are asleep, your Id gets released and is manifested in the form of dreams. Freud also believed that not all your primal urges are good for your being or are acceptable. As such, the brain sieves these urges and transcribes these to various more acceptable symbols. As such, dreams are not the literal manifestation of your thoughts or ideas at most times. This is why your dreams need interpretation to find out what it actually wants to convey.

Freud also put forward the theory that dreams themselves could be categorized into two divisions:


  1. The manifest content: It is that part of your dream which you recall even after you wake up. When you narrate a dream what you describe can be labeled as the manifest content of your dream. These are often mere symbolic representations of the true meaning of your dreams and require proper interpretation to find what your dream truly wants to convey.
  2. The latent content: This represents your thoughts and emotions that get suppressed deep within and are the real message that your dreams intend to convey. These include the unconscious desires. At most times your dreams would represent these in symbolic forms. As other times these can surface themselves in your dreams. But in the latter cases it has been reported that these appear out of context and cannot be recognized, or are forgotten when you wake up.


Freud also put forward the fact that there exists a process by which the human brain can censor dreams. In other words it can also be said that Freud is the principal figure who explained how the human brain can convert manifest content to latent content. Freud coined a name for this process – “Dream Work”. According to Freud, the brain applies three different methods in this process of conversion of the content.

  1. Condensation: As is suggested by the name this is the theory that puts forward that the brain condensed two or a multiple number of latent thoughts into one manifest content or image.
  2. Displacement: This is the theory which suggests that when you dream often it so happens that your desires and emotions are displaced from the person or object actually meant in the latent content to some other person or object in the manifest content. For example – if you have weakness for a person deep within, your dream may manifest it to represent a new object of your desire like a new car or jewelry or gadget.
  3. Symbolism: Freud also put forward the theory that in dreams you experience a variety of symbolism. By this he meant to say that when you see a certain object or person or being in your dream, it does not mean that it contains the actual meaning of your dream. More often than not manifest content is found to have symbolic representation of latent content – you shall find your dream to contain stuff that are disguised in a form that is similar in some way or the other to the latent content.


  • Freud and his theory of relating dreams to sexuality: On analysis of different works of Freud it can be inferred that Freud believed that most of the human behavior, including manifestations of dreams, depends a lot upon the sexual behavior or pattern of the person concerned. Most Freudian theories can be found to be having reference to human genitals or sexuality in some way or the other. In fact he also related such fantasies and dreams to incest. When it comes to dream interpretations, Freudian ideas and theories have often been found to border around these concepts a little too much. Modern days researchers have agreed that human mind does think of sex a lot, but they have also put forward the fact that it is unrealistic to assume that most of the dreams are related to sex in some way or the other.

Dream Interpretation
Body Parts in Dreams Chase Dreams Cheating Dreams
Common Dreams Daydreams Death Dreams
Epic Dreams Falling Dreams Flying Dreams
Lucid Dreams Naked Dreams Nightmares
Prophetic Dreams Recurring Dreams Snake Dreams
Teeth Dreams Test Dreams

Dream Symbols
Alphabet Dream Symbols Animal Dream Symbols Bird Dream Symbols
Bug Dream Symbols Car Dream Symbols Character Dream Symbols
Clothing Dream Symbols Colors Dream Symbols Common Dream Symbols
Death Dream Symbols Disaster Dream Symbols Feelings Dream Symbols
Food Dream Symbols House Dream Symbols Numbers Dream Symbol
Places Dream Symbols Pregnancy Dream Symbols Relationship Dream Symbols
Travel Dream Symbols Vanity Dream Symbols Wedding Dream Symbols

Dream Theories
Dream Theories of C.G. Jung Dream Theories of Calvin S. Hall, Jr. Dream Theories of Frederick Perls
Dream Theory of Alfred Adler Sigmund Freud’s Dream Theory

Relationship Dream Symbols

Our life revolves around the various relationships and people. And dreams are fabricated from our lives only. So it is no surprise that various people with whom we share various bonds appear in our dreams.

When you experience such a dream you may think that you have been thinking too much about a particular relationship or about the person, and as such the person has appeared in your dream. But the interpretation of your relationship dreams can go deeper than that.

They are more often than not symbolic representations of the various emotions in you – emotions that you perhaps associate with the person or the relationship. When it comes to significant relationships of our lives, they are always under our scrutiny, and how we feel about the relationship gets attributed to a particular emotion we experience. So when the subconscious mind wants to express that particular emotion through a dream, it gets translated to a dream related to that particular relationship.

  • Why do people appear in dreams?


When you have dreams about people, particularly those who are close to you in some way or the other, it is but natural that you shall feel that those dreams are trying to contribute some message about that person in particular or the relationship (you share with the person) in general. However, more often than not psychologists and researchers have opined that, such dreams are symbolic representation of part of your own personality.


  • What does it mean when you see a dead family member or relative in your dreams?


When there has been a recent bereavement, people often report seeing dead people in their dreams – this is an expression of their grief and also the fact that the dead person is being missed. At times seeing dead people may also mean that your subconscious is trying to send you some message – some sermon that you need to aware of in your waking life. Such dreams could also be symbolic representation of various emotions that you go through, and each dream when interpreted in proper context, would lead you to discover the emotions of your mind.


  • What does each relationship symbolize when it appears in your dreams?


But we all also see those people in our dreams who are alive and kicking. When such living people you are related to appear in your dreams it does not only suggest that you are remembering them. It may also mean that you associate certain attributes to these people and these attributes are getting symbolically represented in your dreams. Here’s how!



o    Father – The attributes that we normally associate with father are a position of authority and a place where one can seek protection. It may be suggestive of the fact that you perhaps need to be more responsible, caring and assertive in your life. The dream can of course also be an imagery of the bonding that you share with your father.


o    Mother – Mom is a symbolic representation of development and nurturing, protection and guidance, caring and lessons. It could also mean abundance and growth. This may also suggest to you that you are smothered with love. However, the dream could actually be pointing at the kind of relationship you share with your mother.


o    Brother – Depending on the bond you share with your brother, a dream with your brother may either suggest affinity or rivalry. It can be also suggestive of certain attributes in you like immaturity, feeling of vulnerability, assertive, knowledge or understanding.


o    Sister – Apart from dealing with the relationship you share with your sister, this could actually be a symbolic representation of the emotional and sensitive side that you have. Depending on the bond you share with your sister, such dream could also signify care and love, or rivalry and vulnerability.


o    Son – A dream with your son can be a symbolic representation of resistance or responsibility. It may also indicate that you need to express your thoughts and feelings in a better manner. It could also be symbolic representation your hopes, dreams or aspirations. This dream could also be telling you about some potential opportunity that is knocking at your  door for you to grasp.


o    Daughter – A dream about your daughter can bring out a myriad of interesting characteristics and their various nuances that are embedded in you. Depending on the context it could be anything from support, rivalry, vulnerability, vanity, self pride, self doubt, or even streaks of jealousy.


o    Husband (or equivalent partner) – On one hand it could be a simple representation of the feelings you have for your husband or equivalent partner – an expression of the kind of bonding you share with him in your waking life. However, a dream about your husband could also be a symbolic representation of your feelings about intimate relationships in general and sexuality in particular. The dream may also bring to your notice some important issues in your relationship with your husband that needs to be addressed but have been overlooked. Your subconscious in this case sends you the message to take up the issue, act upon it and get it resolved.


o    Wife (or equivalent partner) – This is often an indication that there are some unresolved issues in your life. It could also mean that you are perhaps too keen to prove your worth to someone, but do not obviously like the fact that you have to prove yourself. A dream about your wife or an equivalent partner may also be a symbolic representation of a plethora of emotions, feelings, thoughts and ideas that are bottled inside you seeking expression.


o    Grandparents – A grandparent is someone you resort to for love and support, often unconditional. A grandparent is someone who has given you pearls of wisdom during times of your need. A grandparent’s love is something that made you feel anchored and secured in your growing up years. So when you dream of your grandparent it is indicative of the fact that you are searching for all these in your life. It may also suggest that you believe in traditions when in comes to family values.


o    Extended Family (Uncle, Aunt, Nephew, Niece etc) – The extended family is a representation of the various value systems that have been instilled upon you by your family, for example, generosity, sharing, traditions, morality etc. Seeing someone from your extended family in your dream is indicative of the fact that you perhaps need to focus more on any of these attributes, be more aware of them and nurture them so that your virtues are enhanced.


o    Friends – When you see a friend in your dream, think about the positive and/ or negative attributes that you associate with that particular person. Now consider exactly what you see in your dream. The cumulative result would lead you to the meaning of your dream. More often than not it has been found that dreams related to friends are often an indication on the qualities in you that have been ignored for a while and should be refocused upon, or indicative of such traits that you think you should nurture in yourself.

Dream Interpretation
Body Parts in Dreams Chase Dreams Cheating Dreams
Common Dreams Daydreams Death Dreams
Epic Dreams Falling Dreams Flying Dreams
Lucid Dreams Naked Dreams Nightmares
Prophetic Dreams Recurring Dreams Snake Dreams
Teeth Dreams Test Dreams

Dream Symbols
Alphabet Dream Symbols Animal Dream Symbols Bird Dream Symbols
Bug Dream Symbols Car Dream Symbols Character Dream Symbols
Clothing Dream Symbols Colors Dream Symbols Common Dream Symbols
Death Dream Symbols Disaster Dream Symbols Feelings Dream Symbols
Food Dream Symbols House Dream Symbols Numbers Dream Symbol
Places Dream Symbols Pregnancy Dream Symbols Relationship Dream Symbols
Travel Dream Symbols Vanity Dream Symbols Wedding Dream Symbols

Dream Theories
Dream Theories of C.G. Jung Dream Theories of Calvin S. Hall, Jr. Dream Theories of Frederick Perls
Dream Theory of Alfred Adler Sigmund Freud’s Dream Theory

Recurring Dreams

Recurrent dreams, as the name suggests, are a series of dreams that repeat themselves. It may be the same dream over and over again, or there may be slight variations to your dreams.

Many psychologists have put forward the theory that recurrent dreams more often than not happen for a reason, and they are trying to deliver a message that is of grave importance. Recurring dreams are trying to attract your attention to an issue that is perhaps escaping your waking mind.

The sooner you understand what the issue is, the better insight you shall gain about your life and can actually take some action in your waking life in response to the dream thereby providing a remedy to such repetitive dreaming.

In the process the situation that was causing the imbalance in your life and mind would also get resolved. According to psychologists dreams that are repetitive are persistent that they deliver a message to you. Because they are insistent on delivering the message to you they keep on repeating themselves unless you are capable of grasping the message.

  • Psychological reasons that are associated with recurring dreams


Analysts have nailed down certain psychological factors that may result into various kinds of recurrent dreams. The major ones are –


o    Anxiety – When one is anxious about something then the subconscious creates a varied number of illusions in the mind which in turn can give rise to recurrent dreams. More often than not when you are having a recurrent dream, then you are having a single message or a series of messages that are related. This perhaps also implies that deep within there is one major cause of anxiety, while there may be several other related factors adding up to such anxiety. It has been seen that when the cause of the anxiety is removed or the problem is resolved, the person no more sees such recurrent dreams.


o    Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) – This is a disorder that basically stems out of anxiety, and in this a person experiences fears, worries and anxieties in apprehension of something. Often a person resorts to some repetitive activities as a result of such anxiety. Recurring dreams could be a result of such obsessive apprehensions.


o    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Recurrent dreams that border around nightmare are often the most common symptoms that arise out of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This Disorder is experienced by people who have recently experienced something traumatic like an accident, a bereavement etc. When the trauma triggered by the stress is eased, then such recurrent dreams also cease to happen.


  • Various theories that are associated with recurring dreams

Various researchers and scientists have put forward various views trying to ascertain the norms and features of Recurring Dreams. Some of them are –



o    Threat simulation theory – This theory has met with mixed responses from the researchers and there are many who put forward views to counter this theory. This theory was proposed by Antti Revonsuo who believed that dreams perform the biological function of simulating various threats that a person may anticipate, and also rehearse how to avoid such threat in the dreams over and over again. However other researchers like Zadra have pointed out that nearly 66% of recurrent dreams revolve around a threat factor and in most cases the dreams do not offer any solution to avoid or resolve the threat in any way. This is because of the fact that in many threat dreams it has been found that the person seeing the dream is unable to escape the threat.


o    Gestalts’ dream theory – This theory proposes that recurrent dreams often portray a person’s state of the mind, and when one is having such dreams recurrently it is likely that there is a disturbed equilibrium in the person’s psyche. Recurrent dreams are an effort of the subconscious mind to make the person aware of such imbalance so that corrective measures can be undertaken to restore the balance or equilibrium.


o    Freud’s Theory – Freud put forward the theory that recurrent dreams are often the result of the fact that the person having such dream suffers from neurotic compulsions that are repetitive in nature.


o    Jung’s Theory – Jung believed that recurrent dreams have a positive effect on understanding the various aspects of human psyche and integrating them in a coherent manner.


o    Culturalist dream theory – This theory was proposed by Bonime in the year 1962, and this upholds the fact that recurrent dreams are often suggestive of the fact that the person who is having the dream has not experienced any positive change or development for a while either in his life or in his personality or both.


  • Various treatments that are put forward to treat recurring dreams


To resolve the issue of recurrent dreams it is at first essential that you find out the actual reason for such dreams. Removal of the causal factor would more often than not offer you respite from such recurrent drams. Now to pinpoint the cause it is important that you interpret the dream properly. For that you need to analyze the content of the dream, the theme of the dream, the characters in the dream etc then look for clues that would take you to the reason for you to having that particular dream. Once the issue has been found out, remedies can be suggested accordingly. Discussed below are some generic remedies for recurrent dreams.


o    Relaxation Techniques – Several ways to relax your mind are propounded which are recommended to be practiced before you go to bed. There are a multiple ways in which you could achieve this.


o    Confront and Conquer – This theory was suggested by Garfield in the year 1974. According to Garfield, it would be best to mold you mind to confront the hostile or resentful situation in your dream rather than trying to flee away from it. Once you confront and confront, you shall be able to escape its clutches.


o    Altering partially the aspect of the dream – This theory was suggested by Halliday in the year 1982. According to Halliday, one can win over one’s dream by changing a small aspect of the dream.


o    Conciliation with dream characters – This theory was suggested by Tholey in the year 1988. According to Tholey, you can in your dreams try to engage in a conciliatory conversation with the character or characters in your dreams that are hostile. You then become your dream ego which looks for methods to strike peace.

Dream Interpretation
Body Parts in Dreams Chase Dreams Cheating Dreams
Common Dreams Daydreams Death Dreams
Epic Dreams Falling Dreams Flying Dreams
Lucid Dreams Naked Dreams Nightmares
Prophetic Dreams Recurring Dreams Snake Dreams
Teeth Dreams Test Dreams

Dream Symbols
Alphabet Dream Symbols Animal Dream Symbols Bird Dream Symbols
Bug Dream Symbols Car Dream Symbols Character Dream Symbols
Clothing Dream Symbols Colors Dream Symbols Common Dream Symbols
Death Dream Symbols Disaster Dream Symbols Feelings Dream Symbols
Food Dream Symbols House Dream Symbols Numbers Dream Symbol
Places Dream Symbols Pregnancy Dream Symbols Relationship Dream Symbols
Travel Dream Symbols Vanity Dream Symbols Wedding Dream Symbols

Dream Theories
Dream Theories of C.G. Jung Dream Theories of Calvin S. Hall, Jr. Dream Theories of Frederick Perls
Dream Theory of Alfred Adler Sigmund Freud’s Dream Theory

Prophetic Dreams

Description of what are considered as Prophetic Dreams:

Simply put one can define Prophetic Dreams to be those that can foretell the future. These have always been mysteries involved about dreams that bring about prophecies. Some people believe such dreams cannot happen, while others have gone on to explain how these can actually happen.

There are prophetic dreams that directly tell the viewer of a message or incidence. But more often than not, prophetic dreams deliver messages through certain symbols, deciphering which are largely dependent on regional and socio cultural and religious beliefs, and these often vary largely from one culture to the other.

Talking about symbols in prophetic dreams, you should bear in mind that one can decipher true meaning of a dream only when the exact symbols and visions in a dream are analyzed. More often than not it has been found that people do not remember all the minute details portrayed in a dream. In such cases errors in analysis may creep in.

Some prophetic dreams of historic significance:

Several people renowned in the pages of history are said to have experienced prophetic dreams.


  • Hitler was once sitting in a trench and had probably dozed off to sleep when he dreamt that he was being killed by an avalanche. He left the trench. Sometime later the trench was destroyed by soldiers.


  • Queen Maya, mother of Lord Buddha, and Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, had repeated dreams that told them that they shall give birth of enlightened


  • Roman Emperor Caligula dreamt that he was standing before the throne of the Greek God Jupiter or Jove and the God was kicking him thereby sending him down to earth. He was assassinated the next day.


  • The former US President Abraham Lincoln had dreams that foretold him about his death several nights before his actual assassination. He has in fact also told it to his personal security personnel even on the day of his death.


Theory of Precognition in Prophetic Dreams:

Prophetic dreams have been related by psychologists to the human power of precognition. Now what is precognition? It is simply the ability to foresee events. It is the capability of extrasensory perception of the human brain that can direct knowledge in a way that brings prophetic results. This phenomenon is believed to form the base of prophetic dreams in 60% to 70% of such cases as believed by psychologists. The rest are experienced during waking visions or daydreams. When you are in your waking phase, your visionary, auditory and similar such sensory organs register a lot of facts – to these get added random thoughts, hallucinations, rapid ideas and instincts – together they make up what can be labelled as precognition. Studies have indicated that each human being has this capability to some extent, and for some people this experience is more heightened than others. An interesting fact is that most of the prophetic dreams relate to self or someone you are emotionally attached to. Prophetic dreams could show you the actual event that is about to happen, or may present you with the facts in a symbolic form. Different theories have been put forward by researchers and scientists that intend to find out how and why one can experience a precognition that can lead to prophetic dreams. One theory is that the brain discharges a strong psychokinetic force that can make you envision the future. There are others who believe that the events that may happen in the future are generally based on what the present circumstances are or what the circumstances have been in the past; and proper registration of those facts and correct interpretations thereof can make one see the future.


Types of Prophetic Dreams:

From the above discussions we can say that Prophetic Dreams are basically those dreams whereby one can see the future. When one has a dream it is difficult to ascertain whether that dream is prophetic or not. This is because of the fact that prophecy can only be confirmed once the event that the person dreamt of actually takes place. Even then one only speaks of cases where such prophecies come true. There are also many cases where such drams do not turn out to be true. These cases are labeled as coincidences. After analyzing a wide cross section of Prophetic Dreams researchers have come to believe that these can be classified into the following types –


  • Apparitions – These are dreams that  involve dead people

These dreams involve the deceased. More often than not people dream of dead people delivering some kind of a message via the dream.


  • Clairaudient Dreams – These are dreams that involve hearing noises or voices

These are dreams where voices or noises seem to appear out of nowhere. More often than not these are some kinds of messages, and as such it is important to concentrate on what the voice or noise is trying to convey while analyzing these dreams.


  • Clairvoyant Dreams – These are dreams that show events that are occurring simultaneously in real life as in your dreams

These are dreams which happen during the exact same time when the actual incident that you see in your dream is happening in real life.


  • Empathic Dreams – These are dreams for which you would develop deep feelings

More often than not these dreams involve people who are close to you – your family, friends, relatives etc. The events of these dreams make you feel so involved that you sense emotions of empathy and sympathy towards the subjects in these dreams.


  • Shared Dreams – These are dreams which are viewed both by you and someone you know

These are dreams that you and someone close to you experience on the same night and the content of the dream also is the same as is experienced by you.


  • Telepathic Dreams – These are dreams through which you intend to send messages to someone

These involve such dreams which intend to deliver a message by connecting to someone else’s thoughts in the realm of the dream. More often than not such dreams connect you to the thoughts of those you are close to.


  • Warning Dreams – These are dreams that warn you of some happening of the future

These dreams bring to you a fore warning that something negative may happen to you in the near future. Often such dreams present you with the possibility of taking precautions so as to alter the outcome of the happening.

Dream Interpretation
Body Parts in Dreams Chase Dreams Cheating Dreams
Common Dreams Daydreams Death Dreams
Epic Dreams Falling Dreams Flying Dreams
Lucid Dreams Naked Dreams Nightmares
Prophetic Dreams Recurring Dreams Snake Dreams
Teeth Dreams Test Dreams

Dream Symbols
Alphabet Dream Symbols Animal Dream Symbols Bird Dream Symbols
Bug Dream Symbols Car Dream Symbols Character Dream Symbols
Clothing Dream Symbols Colors Dream Symbols Common Dream Symbols
Death Dream Symbols Disaster Dream Symbols Feelings Dream Symbols
Food Dream Symbols House Dream Symbols Numbers Dream Symbol
Places Dream Symbols Pregnancy Dream Symbols Relationship Dream Symbols
Travel Dream Symbols Vanity Dream Symbols Wedding Dream Symbols

Dream Theories
Dream Theories of C.G. Jung Dream Theories of Calvin S. Hall, Jr. Dream Theories of Frederick Perls
Dream Theory of Alfred Adler Sigmund Freud’s Dream Theory