2015 will see a sea of changes in the life of the Capricorns. You shall learn to see life from a whole new perspective giving life a different meaning and changing your priorities as well. This may make you feel perplexed at times.

But you should have complete faith in your abilities. You will make some bold decisions and will be happy that your choice will get a positive nod from people who matter to you. As a Capricorn born native you generally try to stick to tried and tested paths – but this is the year that would encourage you to dip your feet in unknown waters.

The trick to overcome is to stay calm to win over the conflicts in your mind. Once you believe that you shall be able to make it, your diligence, hard work and sincerity would see you through.

Staying in control will help you take the right decision at the right time, and this attribute would prove to be of extreme importance to you in the course of the year. Overall, if you are a Capricorn, be prepared to turn a new leaf over in 2015 where you would see life and also people from a different angle.

Love and Relationship

Astrologers predict that 2015 is full of loving tenderness for the Capricorns. It brings promises of new fulfilling relationships. You will see all rough patches disappear like a miracle and be replaced by love and passion.

As a Capricorn your basic nature is to look for stability and sincerity – and you will get all of that this year. You are a loyal partner, and expect the same from your partner too. You give your 100% into the relationship, and feel disappointed if the other person fails to do so. Commitment is sacred to you. The good news is that you shall get all that you seek for in your relationship during the course of the year. There is one word of caution though – keep away your ego and stubbornness out of your relationship.

Sometimes many emotions go unnoticed for the lack of expression. You should not let that happen to your relationship. Also, you should be prepared to give your relationship time and attention, no matter how busy you may get in all the other spheres of your life. Communication should be left open – hear your partner out to clear any misunderstanding for good and for peace and harmony to prevail. Make the most of this favorable time to strengthen your bond with your partner. For unmarried Capricorn born natives the year is an astrologically auspicious one to tie the knot.

2015 Horoscope
Aries Taurus Gemini
Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Love Horoscope 2015
Career Horoscope 2015
Health Horoscope 2015
Financial Horoscope 2015
Monthly Horoscope 2015

Horoscope Compatibility
2015 – New Year


 Capricorn Daily Horoscope (December 03, 2015)

Today you should let the creative side of you take over. As a Capricorn you have innate organizational capabilities. When the two combine, the result can only lead to success. You should also put some effort to improve your relationships with your colleagues and superiors. Family responsibilities would also take up some time. Those who have children should be cautious about their health. Travelling may inspire your creativity.

Lucky Number : 4, 21, 68

Career and Business

In the professional front, you will see a sea of changes and new developments in the year 2015 according to the readings of the cards. You will prove yourself to be a more effective and productive person and establish your position as someone indispensible.

Capricorn Horoscope 2015

Capricorn Horoscope 2015

Also be prepared for new partnerships, new deals, new projects, new ventures etc. On one hand, your capability to handle things with logic and with intelligence will take you places. On the other hand, your friendly nature and innate humility will make you popular among your colleagues who will accept your leadership with pleasure and benefit from it too. There is also a high probability for promotion.

Overall there will be a huge growth in the work front for the Capricorn in this year. But with that there would be changes in your career path too, and a Capricorn born native is not too much keen on changes. You have to change this outlook to prosper in your career during the course of the year. Think of a change as your scope to prove yourself, to try new things and to establish your credentials further – this way you shall probably be up for the challenge instead of taking it as something to be intimidated about.

Health and Wellness

There would be overall good health and cheer in the year 2015 for the Capricorn born natives. You shall be loaded with energy, and you shall channel all that in the right direction. However, during the middle of the year, the work pressure over the past few months may cause you to feel lethargic and low on zest or zeal. This is the only time of the year when you need to take some precautions about your health, or else some gastrointestinal problems may set in. In fact it is recommended that you take precautions from the beginning of the year so that you can keep your immunity level high. It is recommended for you to stay away from spice, oily food and also those that are loaded with trans-fat. It is also recommended to take some time off your busy schedule to indulge into some kind of physical activity – yoga, exercise, dancing, aerobics – whatever suits your fancy. Finally, no matter how busy you may be, keep some time to pamper your body and soul – for in the end, a happy mind rests in a happy body and vice versa.

Money and Finance

The planetary position of Jupiter in the financial sector of the natal chart of Capricorn born natives in the year 2015 will ensure that you are blessed with a stable financial condition all through the year. There would come ample opportunity in your way to increase your scope of income, and you should make the most of it and grab any such opportunity. This would also bring you the scope to improve your financial condition in general. This is the moment when you should learn to stop making unwanted expenditures. This is also the right time to find solutions to any financial issues that may have been bothering you. This year is also the right time to make financial investments that would bring you futuristic gains. You may also gain returns from investments made in the past.

Family and Relatives

This is the year when the Capricorn born natives would experience a strengthening of ties with the family and relatives. As a Capricorn, you have always attached great importance to the home and hearth, and experiencing happiness at home is the best thing that can happen to you at any point of time. Well, this does not naturally mean that you shall not have to put in any effort into it. Nothing can be achieved without any kind of hard work. But the point is that your efforts would not go unnoticed – in fact that you work hard to keep your family together would be appreciated by them. Harmony and peace shall prevail in the home front. The only thing you need to take care of is the fact that you should not lose your temper when someone else does – if you see one person getting irrational, then it is the time when you should act matured, rational and be patient. This is the time when you should not let a situation go out of your hands. These are timely little sacrifices that would leave big marks on your relationships. When people see how much you care, when they see how important they are to you, they shall eventually start seeing your points of views too. But if you want to strike at the moment of heat, the situation just may go out of your hands, and create a permanent drift in your relationship. If you can take care of this much, the rest would all be well in your home front.

Travel and Vacation

The year is a good one in terms of travel. From the astrological point of view it can be suggested that there would be a lot of travels dotting your calendar all through the course of the year. The travels would be of various natures; some would be professional, while others would be vacations, attending family occasions, going for religious tours, learning or educational tours and more. There are also high chances that you shall have to travel out of your home country, especially in the second trimester of the year. Travelling would enhance the experiences of your life in general and give you a broader perspective from which you shall get to see life from a different view altogether. All these wings of flight nevertheless would make you feel more connected to your roots.

Education and Studies

As a Capricorn born native you have been blessed with intellect and wisdom. You have foresight and you generally like to keep yourself abreast of what is going on in the world around you. You also have the capacity to learn from your experiences and also from those of the ones you see around you. You have been blessed with a keen sense of observation that helps you to imbibe within yourself the positive attributes of people around you. Naturally all these add up to give you an edge over others in the matters of education. You shall stand way ahead of others in the field of academics if you choose to; and this is the year when you shall see all your aspirations turning to reality. This year you shall chance to be acquainted with someone who shall be an influential person in your field of education, and would guide you thereby enriching your knowhow. All along you shall be blessed to have the support of your peers and teachers alike. Those of you who shall appear for competitive exams or would apply for higher education may expect favorable results.

Areas of Growth

By nature you are polite and humble. These virtues are your strength. But some people take them to be your weakness and try to take advantage of you. This is a situation that you need to change in the course of the year. You are often too skeptical about yourself. You need to let your confidence grow. You hate being a show off; but you shall have to learn to establish your pride and power. Some people should understand that when there is true quality it shows naturally, without the owner having to boast of it.

Areas of Challenge

The challenge that you have to take up during the year is to learn to stay aloof from affairs that do not involve you directly; or there may arise situations where there may be misunderstanding between you and your dear ones. You are by nature very just and feel strongly for causes that you hold dear to your heart. But in advocating them you often have to face opposition from close quarters. Generally you are more inclined to march on no matter what. This attitude needs to change in this year, or you may have to sacrifice a close liaison.

Areas of Excitement

Love and romance would bring in excitement to your life. By nature you are a conservative person who is often shy to be expressive about feelings and emotions. But curiously this year you shall be open to adventures and experimentations; and this change in attitude would make a huge difference in your love life bringing back the spark and rekindling the passion.

Areas of Change

This is the year when you shall be inclined to live life in your own terms. This would come as a surprise to those who know you closely for you have always lived to accommodate the needs and wants of the ones you care for. However, since you are always on the giving end people have got used to this, and often forget that you too may crave to be at the receiving end once in a while. This is a positive change in a way, for this would make people more conscious about your existence, your needs, wants and aspirations. Those around you should understand that just as you care for them, they should care for you too. This is the year when you shall be more inclined to live for yourself than for others.