Canada holds the day of New Years Eve in its significant books in many aspects. Apart from marking the end of the Old Year, and being the last date of the Canadian tax year, New Years Eve also marks itself as the day of the year when everyone believes to hope for an optimistic time ahead.

They forget all their troubles and miseries of the past, and belief that with the arrival of a new time of the New Year, their fates will turn out to be fortunate for them in all aspects of life.

Celebrations on New Years Eve in Canada

In Canada, New Years Eve saw many people organizing private parties, and there are many others who instead prefer to be a part of social celebrations, and thus, they move in to parties going on streets, pubs, discotheques, clubs, and restaurants. Usually, all sorts of parties are organized in Canada, from big time extravaganzas with throng of people coming in, to small scale private parties with only friends and members of the extended families invited. There are some others who wish to keep their celebrations on New Years Eve confined to their house and family members, by and large planned around a special dinner on the occasion.

In all these parties, adequate arrangements are made for music, dance, eating, and drinking, so that all those coming in can have a good and memorable time while bidding goodbye to the Old Year and welcoming the New Year. Most of these parties begin on New Years Eve and go on till the dawn of the New Year. At the stroke of the midnight, champagne and wine bottles are opened, toasts are raised, and everyone wishes one another with the best luck wishes for the New Year. One highlighting aspect of the moment is the fireworks show, which is organized in major cities of Canada.

Then there are special shows in which performers of different genres, such as magic, music, dance, traditional musical instruments, modern day instruments, rock music, poetry, acrobats, etc., which draw immense art lovers for the evening. Some major places in Canada such as Toronto also host laser shows, theater performances, and special film screenings.

Some have completely different plans for New Years Eve. They call their mates, plan a trip to a nearby nature’s scene, pack their bags, and are off to the planned location. Since, it’s too cold in Canada during New Year’s time; people love to engage in adventurous winter sports activities, such as skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, etc. Those belonging to rural areas, such as Quebec, love to spend it sitting around a frozen lake all through the New Years Eve with a bonfire on act, while fishing, eating, drinking, and celebrating with friends.

As a part of many traditions and customs of Canada, certain acts are considered to be intrinsic to New Years Eve in Canada without which no celebration is considered as complete. The clapping, cheering, and creating noise at the arrival of New Year is considered to conclude all the bad lucks associated with the past time. Also, wishing one by kissing and exchanging gifts is considered as a traditional way of showing love for someone, and thus one can find many doing the same on New Years Eve.

There is a rigorously followed first footing tradition, as a part of which a young and dark haired male is expe3tced to arrive in the house first with the arrival of New Year, as occurrence of the same denotes good luck in the coming year. A polar bear swim is organized, in which young people are challenged to short swim through ice cold water, which is also considered to confer the society with good luck. There are many prominent and not-so prominent traditions such as eating a bowl of black-eyed pea soup, gathering coals from fireside in the midnight, and making a visit to a friends’ place on the morning of New Year, which are followed by many in Canada.

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