2017 as a year we have read how it will be. Let us take a look at what the months in 2017 is going to unfurl.


    • January – You should avoid power struggles and literally give in to the wishes of the greater god in this month. You are becoming more ambitious and being in your emotional comfort zone, you are craving for more. Love will be good but the social circuit is going to be a cause of concern for your spouse or partner. Watch your health.
    • February – Home life is good this month and you are happy.  Career will progress through social circles.  This is a great time for detoxification- both physical and emotional. Finances are stable. There is a chance of foreign travel.
    • March – A very active and a hectic month.  This is the month when you need to balance an active home life with an active career.  Health though alright, attention should be paid to liver, thighs, kidneys and heart. Promotion and subsequent pay rise is also a possibility. Love will suffer because of your various preoccupations.
Monthly Horoscope 2017
Aries Taurus Gemini
Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces


Horoscope 2017
Love Horoscope 2017
Career Horoscope 2017
Horoscope 2017
Horoscope 2017


Horoscope Compatibility
2017 – New Year


    • April – A month when you need to balance your personal prerogatives and your social skills.  An eclipse this month can bring a long term career change.  There could be certain disruptions in career too.  Health needs watching over. Earnings will come with some effort. Long standing issues may come up.


  • May – You need to be intuitive as well as alert now and health as well as vitality seem much improved. You will now be paying more attention to your worldly pursuits and home will take a back seat. Love seems to be happier and finance is looking strong.
  • June – This is a prosperous month and financial windfall is likely.  You should trust your intuition this month.  Appearances are important to you and health will also be good. You should now focus on your personal image and appearance.
  • July – Push for what you want and remove obstacles when they arise. Career demands are paramount and there will be no time for family. You need to prove yourself now. Prosperity is also very strong.  Take care of your health. Finance looks good.
  • August – Family life and home looks very good this month. There is a lot of harmony there. There can be a fortunate deal in property and career too looks good.  Finances look strong.  PR, sales, marketing will prosper. Health is good.
  • September– Try and adapt to situations rather than fighting against it.  Your family will be extremely supportive and so will you be of them.  career will get a boost through associations and organizations. Earning look to be good. Love however will be very challenging.
  • October– A very active as well as an important month.  A solar eclipse shows planning and long term financial changes and also a great upheaval in family life. You will evaluate your career and options too.  Health needs to be watched as all these unnerve you.
  • November– You will be trying to balance love, work, health, career, finance everything together.  Creativity can bring in a lot of financial opportunities. Adapt to situations that you can’t change. Health looks ok.
  • December– Ambitions look stronger and career too is also on a move. Social life looks active, however do not rush into romantic commitments. Earnings look good and health too seems reasonably well.