Easter is an extremely important day for the Christians. It is said that after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the hands of common Jewish people and Roman soldiers on the day which is now solemnly commemorated as Good Friday, Jesus Rose on the Easter day from his tomb.
The week before Easter is called the Holy week and the holiday surrounding this ceremony is also a movable feast.
In western Christianity, Easter generally always falls on a Sunday. Christian Churches in the west generally celebrates Easter on the first Sunday of the full moon of the vernal equinox, which can be anytime between the 22nd of March and 25th of April. In 2024, it will fall on 21 April.
There are various contradictions regarding the origin of the word Easter. According to certain sources, Easter is derived from the name of Eostre; a Teutonic Goddess representing spring and Fertility. Another source claim that the term Easter, arises from the name of Queen Easter or Ishtar, the wife of Nimrod of ancient Babel. She was considered to be the Mother Goddess. Other sources suggest that the word arose from the Latin term Hebdomeda Alba or the white week, which is an ancient reference to the Easter week, and the white cloth worn was the people baptized during this time. The origin can also be traced to Pascha or Pasch, which stands for Passover. Jesus’ crucifixion and subsequent resurrection took place when he had gone to attend the Jewish Passover in Jerusalem. Passover was the commemoration of the Jewish exodus from Egypt. Pascha gradually came to mean Easter.
Though Easter is not really an isolated one day celeb ration, rather an entire season leads to it. Lent, the forty day period leading to Easter is a time of devotion, introspection and penance, signifying the forty Days that Jesus had spent alone in the wilderness before establishing his ministry. The week before Easter is known as the Holy Week and also includes his Last Supper day known as the Maundy Thursday. The fifty day following the Easter is known as the Eastertide and celebrates Jesus’ ascension to the glorious heaven.
Apart from the religious importance, Easter has come to be associated with Easter Bunnies and Easter eggs. Easter egg is the symbolic empty grave from which Jesus rose. And Easter Bunnies are also significant in terms of the pagan custom of considering rabbits as a symbol of fertility.
Easter Monday
Easter Sunday 2024
Easter Wallpapers
Easter Weekend
Happy Easter 2024