Health Horoscope 2015 intends to make you aware of the health conditions of all the sun signs of the zodiac. As the age old maxim goes, we all know that Health is Wealth.
Your performance at work, your mood at home, your thought process and many such other things are influenced by your health conditions. The better your health, the brighter would be your persona.
We at 123NeYear intend to make you aware of what to expect in your health front during the year so that you can take adequate precautions and stay up and about.
Let us now have a look at the Health prospects of the individual sun signs for the year 2015:
- Aries – Although there is no major ailment foreseen on the cards for the Aries born natives, the chances are however that you shall keep facing minor health issues on and off all through the year. It could be fever or joint pain, digestive problem or blood pressure fluctuation – something or the other would keep you on your toes. It is recommended that you lead a healthy lifestyle and get regular health checkups for precautions on time.
- Taurus – The year shall be a good one for Taurus born natives from the health point of view. Moderate looking after your health would keep you healthy and hearty. But the trends are predicted to change post the month of October. It is during this time you may experience the recurrence of some chronic ailments. During this time you may also experience some neurological problems and gastric disorders.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini |
Cancer | Leo | Virgo |
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius |
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
- Gemini – From the health point of view 2015 would be a mixed year astrologically speaking for Gemini born natives. There are chances of infection in the upper respiratory tract or troubles with the respiratory system at large. You may also suffer from stomach infections and digestive disorders. This would be heightened by the fact that mounting pressure at work would not allow you adequate resting. Meditation and yoga may help you to boost your overall health conditions.
- Cancer – Emotional placidity and a regular lifestyle would keep the Cancer born natives healthy and hearty in the year 2015. The problem may arise when you challenge the proper functioning of your body by subjecting it to long working hours and lack of sleep. This may give rise to digestion related problems and other such stomach ailments. Regular exercise would help to do away with the aches and pains.
- Leo – The key to good health for the Leo born natives in the year 2015 would be a sound mind. You shall mostly be subjected to anxiety and stress related issues like hormonal disorders and blood pressure problems. It is as such recommended that you keep yourself as stress free as you can. You may also be troubled by some aches and pains in your neck, shoulders and lower back regions.
- Virgo – Your health shall require some attention this year. Some of you may suffer from respiratory problems. In fact you shall be prone to infections during this year. Beware of agents that may cause allergies. Although minor repetitions of health problems may make you feel restless and anxious. This may lower your immunity further. You also need to take care of your digestive system for stomach ailments are predicted.
- Libra – Your overall health conditions would be good. The only thing that you need to stay away from is over indulgence. You have a knack for all things good and also like to take life easy. As a result there may be increase in weight if you are not careful about the management part of it. This may in turn cause some trouble with your cholesterol level or blood sugar level. Take care of your digestive system and beware of liver problems.
- Scorpio – The health condition for the Scorpio born natives would be good overall in the year 2015. The only thing you need to be concerned about is pains. This may be in different forms – lower back pains, knee and joint pains etc. You may even experience torn ligament or tissues or sprained muscles. As such it is recommended that you take great caution while moving around and also fix your postures.
- Sagittarius – This year you should motivate yourself for the right balance of exercise and proper diet for although there is no indication of major ailment striking at you, there are chances for you to suffer from diseases like diabetes and cholesterol that are mostly lifestyle triggered. The women may suffer from join pain and arthritis related trouble and also some minor issues related to gynecology.
- Capricorn – Health conditions would improve for you in the course of the year and you shall experience increased strength and stamina. You should keep a strict monitoring on your health conditions so that your chronic ailments do not get a scope to flare up. You should also be alert in all that you do for the predictions on the cards say that you may be prone to minor nicks and cuts or burns.
- Aquarius – This year your health condition would depend upon how well you maintain and treat your body and soul. The main ground of ailment would arise from your long duration of work that would cause a lack of sleep. Due to the fatigue that would set in your immunity system may be low and you may problems in the areas of respiratory system and low or high blood pressure.
- Pisces – Health conditions would mostly be good all through the year except for minor pains and aches. However you should be a little cautious during the latter months for the cards indicate a chance of you being accident prone. Some of you may experience recurrence of chronic ailments like diabetes, hypertension etc. Take also care of your heart by leading a healthy lifestyle and adopting a sport or other physical activity.