You are enthusiastic and energetic about life in general, and this would see you in a very positive frame of mind for the rest of the year. But with that you have a sensitive soul too who tends to get both bitten and smitten at the slightest pretext.

You have to learn to balance your logic and emotions to succeed in the course of life.

    • January – You may feel a little disillusioned during this month as you cannot visualize anything that is worthy of your effort and engagement. You perhaps need more people to interact with and share ideas. You may then suddenly bump into one that excites you.


    • February – This month you shall be full on energy. Make sure that you channel your energy in the right direction so that you can get something constructive done.


    • March – You are at your confident best during this month and this would help you to achieve a lot. Make sure that you handle people with care and not let anyone take advantage of your soft nature.


    • April – This month your calendar would be full with both professional and personal engagements. Your social life too would bloom and in the course of it you may meet someone who shall take your breath away.


    • May – This is the time when you would like to connect with your family and renew ties with your friends. You feel generous and you shall be in a mood to pamper your family and friends with both emotions and materialistic gifts.


    • June – This month you should be a little careful about your health for there is a chance that a chronic ailment may show up giving you trouble recurrently.


    • July – As you recover your health you shall want to make up for the lost time by indulging in all that your heart desires. You are in a mood for fun and frolic interspaced with gentle romance.


    • August – You get busy at work and you shall hardly find time for anything else during this time. Deadlines and deliverables are all that would take up most of your time and attention.


    • September – This is the time you trim away those people from your life who cling to you only for the benefits. The fair weather friends you may know personally or at work need to walk out.


    • October – You learn to give yourself some priority too. You rework your goals and aspirations and then plan to get to them on your own.


    • November – You are in a happy mood as you start reaping rewards for your hard work. You are social and amiable and this would win you friends.


    • December – You are positive in your attitude, and start making plans for the upcoming months already. You introspect and learn from your experiences of the months gone by.


Monthly Horoscope 2015

Aries Taurus Gemini
Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces