Scorpio Health Horoscope 2015 predicts that the Scorpio born natives perhaps may need to pay a little more attention to their health. Especially the first nine months of the year would considerably slow you down as you may suffer from some ailment or the other.
You shall feel low physically, morally and emotionally. This is because of the heavy influence of the Planet Saturn in your natal chart in the health segment during these months. In fact the low morale quotient will further add to the physical ailments. You need constant health monitoring and fast action in case of detection of any kind of ailment to help you keep the down time low.
You should also seek for inspiration to feel happy deep within. A happy soul and contribute towards a healthy body. The health conditions are expected to improve during the last three months of the year when you shall be blessed with positivity and good health which would un turn bring cheer to your soul and vigor in your action.
Ailments that may bother the natives:
This is a year when you need to be careful about your body movements for apart from joint pains, the Scorpio born natives are also warned of muscle sprains and ligament issues. Apart from that you may also suffer from some minor trouble affecting your conjugal life, this being especially applicable in the case of aging Scorpios.
Some of you, especially the female Scorpio natives, may succumb to hormonal imbalances like thyroid problems. Stress and anxiety would further aggregate all these issues. As such it is recommended that you take the necessary precautions to stay fit but not to have panic attacks if an illness strikes you. Brooding has never helped and never will. On the contrary, a positive mind is often the secret behind a healthy body.
Dietary Requirements and Suggestions:
Scorpio is labeled as a Water sign from the astrological perspective. As with other Water signs of the zodiac Scorpios are also intensely emotional, and often their well being or the vice versa is directly dependant on their state of mind. Also Scorpio as a water sign are known to have problems with their circulatory system and lymphatic system.
Accumulation of lymphatic fluids in the nodes often causes the aches and pains that we have predicted the Scorpio born natives to be suffering from. As such it is of vital importance that you cleanse your system by increasing the intake of fresh fruits, vegetables and leafy greens. Cherries and cranberry juice are widely recognized for their properties that help to eliminate toxins from the body. Ginger and peppermint leaves are known to help in muscle pains. Among spices, turmeric is known to have healing properties. Increase in intake of fluids in the form of water, fresh fruit or vegetable juice and limiting the intake of caffeinated products too would help to discard the toxins from your body.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini |
Cancer | Leo | Virgo |
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius |
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |