Numerology 6 Going by Numerology 6, number 6 happens to be a yin number and is the most loving and affectionate number of all. The element associated with Numerology 6 is metal. The element of metal signifies valor and riches. The element has the ability to empower people and make them stand for their beliefs. Planet Venus happens to rule Numerology 6 people. Number 6 is a harmonious and pleasant number governing music and art. The numerical meaning of number 6 as per the Chinese Numerology is “Man”. The Destiny Number 6 in Chinese Numerology stands for responsibility. Pronounced as “liu”, number 6 sounds similar to that of words like “smooth”, “flowing” or “slippery”, which might mean that everything for them goes smoothly. Number 6 might form some unlucky combinations, following the Numerology 6. The important uses of the number 6 are: Man was made on the 6th day It is not used in a negative sense ever. 6 is only 1 number short of seven that symbolizes perfection. This might very well mean that humans fall short in comparison to God’s perfection. Chinese Numerology 6 is same as that of “wealth” and hence is extremely popular. Those persons born with birth number 6 are those who took birth on 6th, 15th, or 24th of a month. They are however more influenced by these numbers, if they take birth in the “House of the 6,” that is from April 20th to May 20th-27th or from September 21st to October 20th-7th. As per the Lo Shu square or grid of the Chinese Numerology Those people having only one 6 are generally close and near to their family members and would prefer to keep the surroundings of their family pleasant. Good listeners as they are, advices are often seek from them. Those people having two 6s are quite creative and can be domineering parents. Those people having three 6s possess a temper that requires to be controlled. If their immense creativity gets a positive vent out, their company can be enjoyable. Those people having four 6s are emotional and creative and emotional. Numerology 6 Personality Traits As per Numerology 6, the different personality traits found in the number 6 people are, they are mostly in equilibrium with other people and love the peace between people. They have an eye for beautiful things and ease and comfort are valued by them immensely. They can definitely be referred as the peace-maker and negotiator. They possess a limited outlook and can be unreasonable and obstinate ate times. They worry excessively specially for their family. When it’s about executing any plan, they are highly determined. When they become attached to something or someone, they can do anything for them. Though Planet Venus is believed to have an influence on the number 6 individuals, as per the Chinese Astrology, yet rather than being sensual, they have that mother love more in them. They are fond of rich colors, artistic homes, good paintings, music and statuary. They like entertaining their friends and make others feel happy. Jealousy and discord is something that they just cannot stand. When angry, they would give a tough fight to that what they consider important. They can even fight to death for any cause or person they support or something that they consider as their duty. Those coming under Numerology 6 can make friends very easily with other classes, except for number 5. They are more friendly and in harmony with number 3, 6 and 9 individuals. Positive Characteristics Those falling under Numerology 6 are sympathetic, dependable, sacrificing and selfless, balanced, harmonious, kind, modest, magnetic and appealing. They are also very committed, caring, domestic, nurturing, community conscious and oriented towards the family. Negative Characteristics Going by Numerology Six of the Chinese Numerology, the negative characteristics of the number six people are, they happen to be very sentimental and emotional. They are vulnerable towards flattery. Suppressing your own talents, you have a tendency to sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others. What they really need to learn is seeking a balance between interfering and helping. They are also very stubborn, self-righteous, egotistical and sometimes dominating when it comes to friends and family. Career Options The various career options open for the number 6 people are musician, teacher, healer, actor, artist and craftsperson etc. Favorable Dates Dates that come under the “own number” of the number 6 people, like 6th, 15th, or 24th of a month are considered favorable for them and they must try to execute things on this dates. These dates are believed to be even more favorable when they come under the ” period of the 6,” that is from April 20th to May 20th-27th, or from September 21st to October 20th-27th. Their most favorable and important days are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and more so when any number of 3, 6, or 9, like 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th, or 30th, falls on one of these three days of the week. Lucky Colors and Jewels From light shades to dark shades of blue and shades of pink or rose- all are favorable and happens to be the lucky colors for those under number six. As per Numerology 6 they should try to avoid wearing colors such as dark purple or black. The lucky stone for the number 6 individuals is the turquoise that they should possibly wear next to their skin. Emeralds are also favorable for them. Famous Personalities Born Under Numerology 6 The famous personalities born under Numerology 6 are listed below: Queen Victoria of England born on 24th May Frederick the Great born on 24th January Napoleon I born on 15th August George III born on 24th May Henry VI born on 6th December Duke of Marlborough born on 24th May Oliver Cromwell born on 24th April Joan of Arc born on 6th January Cecil Rhodes born on 6th July Numerology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 22 More on Numerology Chinese Compatibility Calculator Name Calculator Numbers Birthday Number
Numerology 5 As per Numerology 5, the number 5 is a yang number. The element that is associated with number 5 is Earth. The element of earth signifies stability in life, thereby helping in achieving the goals. This particular element also enhances one’s determination. The most flexible among all the numbers of Chinese Astrology is the Chinese Numerology 5. Since number 5 represents freedom, those under the numerology 5 needs there space. They are emotionally stable. Destiny Number 5 in Chinese Numerology stands for communication. Hence the number five people have some what warped sense of humor. The various perceived qualities in the Chinese Numerology 5 happens to be the self that is me and myself; nothing else. Number 5 is considered to be an unlucky number by the Chinese. However, it has the ability to become good when associated with a negative. Numerology five is also popular since it stands for balance and can be very favorable and auspicious when gets combined with numbers such as 2, 4, 6. Going by the Lo Shun Grid of the Chinese Numerology, the following personality traits seem to appear: Those people having only One 5 are caring and emotionally balanced people. Motivating other people in a constructive way is an ability that comes to them easily. Those people having two 5s in their chart have determination and firmness. Those people having three 5s love snowboarding, bungee jumping, or traveling in very remote regions. Those people having four 5s in their chart, happens to be involved in many accidents. So don’t get a shock! For them it is highly advised that they think before they actually act. Those people born on the dates such as 5th, 14th, and 23rd of a month happen to be the Number 5 and therefore come under numerology 5. Their characteristics are however more distinguished if they have happened to take birth on the “period of the 5,” that is from May 21st to June 20th-27th, or from August 21st to September 20th – 27th. Numerology 5 Personality Traits Going by Numerology 5, the different personality traits of the number 5 individual are resourceful, versatile, amusing and clever. They are good to be with; they are great with words and are optimistic. They have the ability to make money and friends both very easily. Sensation and excitement are some things that they simply love owing to the fact that they are inquiring, outgoing and lively by nature. Very adventurous and open to change, they like to travel a lot. When tied down, they hate that and also don’t like conventions, laws or rules. They seem to get attracted by almost everything. They can be definitely called sensualist and an opportunist. At the same time they are unpredictable, irritable, messy and not punctual. The saying “Jack of all trades, master of none” goes very well with their personality since they are good at several things though they are not really good at any such thing. They also tend to be sarcastic, boastful, and rebellious. They are more of friends with those born under dates like 5th, 14th, and 23rd of a month. They are very quick in their decisions and thoughts and take impulsive decisions. They have an amazing elasticity of character. Nothing affects them for a long time. Positive Characteristics They can make friends very easily. They happen to be multi-talented, upbeat, versatile, inspirational, excellent motivator and great communicator. Among the other positive characteristics that they possess are good verbal skills, dynamic, flexible, persuasive, curious, bright, courageous and quick-witted. They love exploring and adventuring things in life and also love performing for the audiences. You don’t have problems doing several activities at the same time. Negative Characteristics They face difficulties in finishing projects or committing towards any one relationship. Order and discipline are something that they miss. They are restless, easily distracted, impatient, and extremely impulsive. They tend to over indulge in sensual pleasures. Focus and discipline are highly recommended if they want success in life. Career Options The popular career options for the number 5 people are promoter, salesperson, scientist, entertainer and travel agent. Favorable Dates The favorable dates for those falling under the Number 5 are their own number like 5th, 14th, or 23rd of a month. They can think of planning and executing any work on these dates. These dates could be even more lucky when they come under the “period of the 5,” that is from May 21st to June 20th-27th, or from August 21st to September 20th-27th. The lucky days for them are Wednesday and Friday, more so if their “own number” comes under any of these days. Lucky Colors and Jewels Shades of white, light grey and other glistening materials happen to be the lucky colors for those falling under the numerology 4. Though they can wear any color, yet the best of shades for them would be the light colors. They should avoid dark shades. Diamond happens to be the lucky stone for them. All shimmering things are also favorable for them. Silver and platinum ornaments are also very lucky. Best for them is to wear an ornament with a combination of diamond and platinum. Famous Personalities Born Under Numerology 5 The famous personalities born under Numerology 5 are St. Louis of France, Louis XVI, Empress Eugenie, H.M. King George VI, H.R.H. (The Duke of Windsor), Samuel Pepys, Sir Hiram Maxim (Inventor) and Lord Lister. Numerology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 22 More on Numerology Chinese Compatibility Calculator Name Calculator Numbers Birthday Number
Numerology 4 Going by the Chinese Horoscope, number 4 happens to be a yin number. The element associated with numerology 4 is wood. The element of wood stands for creativity and is also called the tree. As per the numerology 4, number four happens to be the most practical among all the numbers. Those with number 4 in their charts happen to be very neat, clean, conservative and pragmatic. Going by Chinese numerology 4, this particular number stands for stability and order. Mars is the ruling planet of number 4, unlike some other numerological systems where 4 is ruled by Uranus. The numerical meaning of number 4 in Numerology is Earth. Those people representing number 4 usually have good health. They might however, suffer from back trouble. Number four sounds similar to that of “death and is considered to be very unlucky in several parts of China until combined with a lucky or favorable number. In Cantonese, the number four is pronounced as “Sei” and means death. It is for this reason that this number is avoided. This number is also avoided by the Hongkongnese. In Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean and Chinese culture, numerology 4 is considered as unlucky. Those people born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st of a month are Number 4 people; and if their birth happens to fall in the zodiac period of the Sun and the moon, that is in between June 21st to July 20th-27th (Moon period) or from 21st July to August end (Sun Period), then their individuality gets more pronounced. The Lo Shun Grid of the Chinese Horoscope tells us many things regarding the character traits of persons and their nature: Those people with only one 4 might be in the music field, running – Those with one 4 in their charts might be working on an assembly line, running a farm or working on the assembly line. Those people with two 4s are generally very materialistic. When it is about completing or starting some work, they don’t lack that initiative to do so. Those having the double 4s are very artistic and creative and can do really well in the field of handicrafts. Those people with three 4s are very much into physical activities. They are very hard-working; though they often get involved in the wrong tasks. Those people with four 4s are also engaged in physical activities and do good when the hands. There is a lack of interest on the part of this people in the field of spiritualism or academics. Numerology 4 Personality Traits Those under the Numerology 4 signify personality traits such as steadiness, reliability, calmness, practicality and sensibility. They know how to manage and save money. Whatever they do, they are honest, ethical and courageous in that. They are also very responsible and dependable. On the other hand however, they are at times, too conservative and over cautious. Suspicion for strangers and innovation is something that comes to them instantly. Number 4 individuals possess a distinct character and perceive things from a different and opposite angle. Whenever in an argument, they would always take the other or the opposite side. This often results in bringing about opposition and making secret enemies though they are actually not quarrelsome. They also happen to rebel against the rules and if possible they are also ready to reverse the things and the order. In public or domestic life, they frequently rebel and make their own rules. Different kinds of reforms and social questions attract them immensely. A positive yet unconventional opinion is what they possess. Those under the Chinese Numerology 4 don’t go into making friends that easily. They are attracted more to people who are born under the numbers 1, 2, 7 and 8. In comparison to people born under the other numbers, they are not often successful in material or worldly matters. Generally they are indifferent more or less when it comes to accretion of money and wealth. If they have money, they would surprise people through the distinct ways of spending the money. They are not very sensitive or highly strung. They get easily hurt and have a tendency to feel isolated and lonely. They are very loyal and devoted towards the very few friends that they make or have. Positive Characteristics The positive characteristics of the number 4 individuals are that they are practical, organized, detail-oriented, orderly, methodical, systematic, precise, reliable, dependable, honest, punctual, trustworthy and without any artifice. Being hard working and perseverant, they don’t give up so easily. Negative Characteristics Among the negative qualities of the number four people are, they happen to be rigid, stubborn, too detail-oriented, judgmental, bossy, very serious and overly cautious. Adaptability and flexibility are what they lack. They find it difficult to tackle with changes and often they have a very conventional approach. Career Options The several career options for those falling under the Numerology 4 are banker, manager, scientist, accountant and lawyer. Power Color: Green Power Planet: Sun Favorable Dates In order to achieve success, the number one people should try to execute their plans on days having number 4 like the 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st of the month. These favorable dates are even more favorable when these come in the strong period that is from June 21st to July 20th-27th or from July 22nd to August end. The lucky days for them happen to be Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, more so when their “own number” falls on dates like the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st. Lucky Colors and Jewels All those coming under number 4 must wear electric colors such as grey and electric blues suit them best and are also lucky. Apart from this, half-tones and half- shades are also considered lucky. Sapphire happens to be the lucky stone for them. It can be either dark or light. Best an ideal is to wear this lucky stone right to their skin. Famous Personalities Born Under Numerology 4 The famous personalities born under Numerology 4 are George Washington, Lord Byron, Faraday, Thomas Carlyle and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Numerology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 22 More on Numerology Chinese Compatibility Calculator Name Calculator Numbers Birthday Number
Numerology 3 Numerology 3 in Chinese Horoscope happens to be a yang number and of all the other numbers, it is the most playful one. The element that is associated with number 3 is Wood. The element of wood signifies creativity and is referred also as the three. Going by the Chinese Astrology, the planet Jupiter happens to rule the, along with the astrological feature of trine. Jupiter plays a very significant role both in various numerological systems and astrology. Those under number three are wise, educated and happy. Numerology three corresponds with the different mental activities, from logic, thought to memory etc. In this particular number, the expenditure or acquisition of money sometimes is seen featuring significantly. Number 3 sounds very similar to that of “alive” or “growth” and hence is considered to be very lucky. It stands for divine perfection. Persons who have 3 in their birth number are persons born on 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of a month. However, numerology 3 holds more significance when born under the “period of the 3,” that is from February 10 to March 20th-27th, or from November 21 to December 20th-27th. Numerology 3 Personality Traits Like the number 1 people, those under the Numerology 3 are ambitious and never content when given any insubordinate positions. Owing to their ambitious nature, they always seek to rise high, enjoy authority and control over others. Commanding is something, which they execute beautifully. Discipline and order- they just love. While they themselves obey orders immediately, they also want others to obey their orders. In business, profession and the work field, they often go up to very high positions. In various authoritative positions of the navy, army, government etc, they excel very well. They specially do well in positions of responsibility and trust since they are very conscientious while carrying out their responsibilities and duties. They are very dictatorial by nature and firm at executing their own ideas. This is the reason that they end up making enemies in spite of them not being quarrelsome. They are proud and independent. Number 3 people love traveling. They get bored when doing nothing. They love to socialize, make friends and partying. The art of diplomacy is something that they need to learn since at times they are very blunt and offend people easily. They love to shop and spend money. In case of relationships also, they seek perfection that generally causes problems for them. They love to be in the center of attention and likes admiration. Positive Characteristics The positive characteristics of the number 3 individuals comprises of their being socially active, creative, artistic, positive, hopeful, playful, joyful, fun-loving, inspiring, inventive, encouraging, excited and enriching. They have excellent verbal skills and self express beautifully. They are also great communicators, who love to enjoy life and don’t prefer taking things seriously. Career Options The prospective career options for the numerology 3 people are writer, entertainer, actor, and musician. Negative Characteristics Among the negative characteristics are, they happen to be messy, irresponsible, temperamental, poignant and vulnerable. They are cynical at times, lacking discipline and focus in life. They face difficulties in handling money. They tend to lack direction and often end up scattering their energy. This sometimes makes it difficult for them to complete their projects. Power Color: Their power color for the number 3 people is Gold. Power Planet: Their power planet for those falling under the numerology 3 is Jupiter. As per the Lo Shun Grid, the basis of calculating personality traits in Chinese Horoscope: A person with only one 3 has a great memory and the ability to view the goals in life clearly. Naturally born as leaders, they are very positive. A person with two 3s has a recipe towards creativity. They are very able when it comes to putting their thoughts and feelings into words. A person with three 3s is imaginative. They are at times faced with difficulties while relating to their world because of their scatterbrained and imaginative nature. A person with four 3s is highly imaginative which sometimes make other people paranoid. Favorable Dates Those coming under the Numerology 3 should try to execute their plans and works on days that correspond with their numbers like 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of a month. It is even more good when the dates come under the ” period of the 3,” that is from February 10 to March 20th-27th, or from November 21 to December 20th-27th. The lucky days of the week for them are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. This days are even more better and important if a particular number that makes up 3 come under it like the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th, and the interchangeable numbers as well like the 6th, 9th, 15th, 18th, 24th, or 27th. Those under the Chinese Numerology 3 are more in peace and harmony with them who are born under their same number or on 6 and 9 like 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th, 6th, 15th, 24th, 9th, 18th and 27th. Lucky Colors and Jewels There should wear colors like violet, mauve or purple which are considered the lucky numbers for them. The shades of these colors should be with them and also in their home, always. Colors such as blue, crimson, and rose are also good to them; these are however the secondary colors. The lucky stone for them is the amethyst. If possible, wearing the stone or keeping it in touch with their skin is believed to be favorable for them. Famous Personalities Born Under Numerology 3 The famous personalities born under Numerology 3, all across the world are Field-Marshal Lord Roberts, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Sir Charles Hawtrey, Lord Beaconsfield., Sir Arthur Sullivan, V.C., Rudyard Kipling, Darwin (Naturalist) , Bishop Heber, Sir Alfred Austin (Poet), George Pullman (Pullman cars), Richard Cobden (FreeTrade), The Earl of Aberdeen, King Haakon (Norway), George IV, The first Lord Oxford and Asquith, Mrs. Craigie (Authoress), William Cullen Bryant Poet), Pope Benedict, Mark Twain, President Felix Faure(France), Mendelssohn Composer), Cardinal Newman, Voltaire, Ramsay MacDonald, Dean Swift,. Numerology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 22 More on Numerology Chinese Compatibility Calculator Name Calculator Numbers Birthday Number
Numerology 2 In Chinese Numerology, number 2 is ruled by Moon. Numerology 2 happens to be very emotive, co-operative and have lots of feelings. As per the Chinese Astrology, the Numerology 2 is surely a good number. Going by the Chinese saying, “good things come in pairs”. Number two is among the most sensitive of all the other numbers. It is a yin number, going by the Chinese Horoscope. The element that is associated with the numerology two is the Earth. The element of earth gives stability to those under the number two and helps them do well in life by reaching their goals. It also enhances the determination. Chinese Numerology 2 happens to be the 1st number to be on Emotional Plane and signifies the perceptive and sensitive side of the people. Number 2 sound very similar to that of “sure” and symbolizes symmetry and “doubling up” as for instance, doubling up the happiness. Number signifies the vibrations from the Moon. Moon rules the psyche, along with the mental and emotional aspects. A numerology 2 individual is quick to respond and prefers having a family life. Friendship and emotional accord is what they seek in their lives. No matter how much a number 2 person is extrovert, yet they would still love to have solitude and space and want to spend a peaceful life. Those having a very dominant influence of the numerology 2 are generally withdrawn and shy. Number 2 has many similarities with the western zodiac signs Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo while Libra, Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Leo seem to give surprising and varied outcomes of this particular number. Depending on the consequences and shapes of the moon, the disposition and energy of a person also varies. While they are compassionate and cheerful this moment, the very next moment they can become depressed and aloof. They are meditative and instinctive. Those individuals under the supremacy of the Chinese Numerology 2 have a likeness for romance and arts. Though very compassionate and instinctive about the feelings and sentiments of others, they themselves however, won’t share their emotions and feelings with others. Often great cooks, number two individuals have a fascination for wine and good food. They are supple, adjustable and have a good sense of humor. Harmony, safety and luxury are what they prefer in their lives. They are very dependable, devoted completely to their family and close ones and loves having a monetary security. Numerology 2 is a number of development, motherly instincts and encouragement. Numerology 2 Personality Traits As per the Chinese Numerology, those who happen to be number 2, actually have a very contradictory personality that is full of several surprises. Their persistent quality makes them work well in groups or with others. Rather than leaders they are better as team members. Rather than taking, they are more into giving. They are dreamers with a positive imagination. This makes them artistic naturally. They are good in interior design, advertising, hairdressing, writing, and history to mention some of them. Since you come under the numerology 2, you don’t prefer being in crowds and like to have a very small group of very close friends. Those coming under the Numerology 2 are full of emotions and very sensitive. Emotions can sometimes make you very touchy and hypersensitive. Working in harmony and love with others is what they prefer and love to do. When it comes to comforting others, they are good in that and ready to take up rages. They are co-operative, sympathetic, good-natured, understanding and helpful. Any one can feel safe after sharing a secret with them because they are very good in keeping secrets. Though timid and shy, yet they get along well with others. They prefer to have a settled and detailed routine. Positive Characteristics The positive characteristics consist of being subtle, gentle, cooperative, diplomatic, tactful, patient, harmonious, artistic, sincere, emphatic, supportive, humble, loving, intuitive and peaceful, considerate and responsive. Those falling under numerology 2 understand how others feel and what they need. They are excellent team workers with organizational skills. Negative Characteristics The negative characteristics consist of their being fear, timid, low self-esteem, depressed, lack of self-confidence, vulnerable, easily hurt, restless and not ambitious. They have a tendency to escape from criticisms and confrontation. Career Options The various career options where those under number 2 can flourish are as healer, teacher, musician, counselor, designer, diplomat, architect, advisor etc. The Lo Shu Grid that serves as the basis for the Chinese numerology helps in calculating the strengths, weaknesses and other character traits of the individuals. The various calculations of the birth year, month and date following the Lo Shu Grid, helps us in knowing an individuals, his future etc. Those persons with only one 2 happen to be sensitive, and get their sentiments hurt very easily. They are capable of spotting a phony immediately. Those persons with two 2s are intuitive and very bright. Often, they are also good psychics. Those persons with three 2s are also very sensitive. This sometimes makes them reclusive towards avoiding pain. Those persons with four 2s are nit picky and impatient. They can be at times very difficult and problematic to handle. They like to spend time alone in order to avoid any type of emotional injuries, be it imagined or real. Those persons with over four 2s are complainers! They often seem to be doubtful regarding themselves and their positive traits and this makes them gripe. Famous Personalities Born Under Numerology 2 The famous personalities born under Numerology 2 are Marie Antoinette, Queen Elizabeth of Rumania, Thomas Chatterton, Sadi Carnot, Napoleon III, King Victor, David Garrick (Actor) Lord Curzon of Kedleston, Emmanuel III, Edison, Ibsen (Author), William Lecky Charles II, President Harding (U.S.A.) President Poincare (France), President Adams (U.S.A.) Shahrukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan. Numerology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 22 More on Numerology Chinese Compatibility Calculator Name Calculator Numbers Birthday Number
Numerology 1 Chinese Numerology establishes a relation between the numbers and the living beings or other objects. The numbers from 1-9 are used in Chinese numerology to calculate several things such the favorability of the geographical directions, personality traits of people, career growth and other future predictions etc. Numerology 1 happens to be the most individualistic number. Being the starting one, Number 1 indicates the fact that how good a person can get along with the other people. It is a yang number ruled by sun. As per the Numerology, number 1 is very ego-centric and loner. As per the Chinese Astrology, among the five elements, that associated with the Chinese numerology 1 is water. Water happens to be a very powerful element that is believed to remove the stumbles in life and pave way for good things. The element of water has the capability to break down on the boundaries by way of communication. Numerology One stands for “Unity”. This primary number is very significant in Chinese Numerology. As a Cardinal number, numerology one signifies unity. As an ordinal number, it signifies primacy. Since unity is indivisible and is not made up with the help of any other number, it therefore happens to be independent of everything and the source for all. Number one in Chinese Numerology is to learn how can you stand all by yourself and be responsible for your life. Numerology one is surely a natural leader. It’s about loyalty. Crowds and parties are something you don’t like. You don’t quite trust the strangers around you. Being in Chinese numerology one indicates lot of success that can happen very well at early ages. However, Number one also indicates crashing down and hence it is very important for the number one individuals who have reached a significant position in life, to consolidate their positions and work hard to maintain it. In Chinese, the numerology 1 sounds like that of “honor” and is believed to be lucky. It stands for the symbol of sun. It serves as the beginning, from which all other numbers have been created. It happens to be the basis of all numbers, the foundation of all life. Any person who falls on numerology 1 are advised to take up any event of business on the dates such as 1, 10, 19 or those dates, in which case, the total of the year, month and date comes to 1. These dates are considered to be good and believe to bring success. Persons belonging to number one must keep their names on number one. Individuals born under the sun’s influence that is on 1, 19, and 10 but are however not much influenced by sun owing to several afflictions of the planets present in their birth charts, happen to be less confident about themselves. They are expected to be faced with many hurdles in their career. There will be lot of confusion in their family life and they would have a tendency to get indulged in their immoral love. They will be hooked on to bad habits. If the people less influenced by the changes of the sun actually happen to change the names into some lucky number, this can enhance the power of the birth number and improve their life significantly. Numerology 1 Personality Traits Those falling under the numerology 1 have excellent leadership qualities. They are ambitious, goal-oriented, have a strong will power, driven, unconventional, inventive, courageous, creative, pioneer, original, individualistic, independent. With immense potential for achievement, they have a unique approach towards the problem. Career Options When it comes to work, those with numerology 1 are duty bound and dignified. The good career options for them are leader, manager, entrepreneur, inventor, scientist, business person. Positive Characteristics The positive characteristics include creativity, individuality, and positive attitude. Negative Characteristics The negative characteristics are dominant, impatient, stubborn, appearance and status conscious, egotistic, angry, selfish, aggressive, loves attention and respect and pride. They love to command. Power Color The power color for them is Red Power Planet The power planet for them is Sun. The basis of Chinese Numerology is the Lo Shu Grid on the basis of which personality traits, weaknesses and strengths etc are calculated. Each number symbolizes a particular human trait. Hence the individuals would have characteristics of those numbers that are present in the birth date of the individual. The Lo Shu Grid helps in understanding the character traits being associated with different persons. As per this grid: Persons having only a single 1 in the chart are not generally capable of expressing their views and innermost thoughts. Further, they also have problems when it comes to understanding the opinion of others. Persons having two 1s in the chart are able to communicate with people very well and also capable of understanding the opinion of others without any difficulty. Persons having three 1s in the chart happen to be very talkative. Yet at times they can be uncommunicative and silent at times. Very similar to that of the Libra, the western zodiac, they always seem top play a balancing act. These people are often employed in areas such as communications. Persons having four 1s in the chart are not quite able to express their heart out verbally. They are compassionate and sensitive and often have the tendency to create misunderstandings. They really need to know how to take out time for relaxing and also required to find for themselves a positive outlet, where they can actually relax. Persons having over five 1s in the chart are very uncomfortable when it comes to giving out speeches in front of a large audience. They however, make great artists, writers and dancers. They sometimes tend to over indulge. They need to be careful not to have very rich food, alcohol or any kind of medication or drugs. They are recommended to go for holistic therapies. Famous Personalities Born Under Numerology 1 Charles I, George I, George II, Alexander the Great, James I ., Duke of Wellington., ” General” Booth, Field-Marshal Earl Haig., General Gordon, Quem Alexandra, Field- David Livingstone, Lord Charles Beresford, Marshal Lord French, Annie Besant ., President Monroe (U.S.A.), President Wilson (USA.)., President Hoover (U.S.A.) Numerology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 22 More on Numerology Chinese Compatibility Calculator Name Calculator Numbers Birthday Number