The feeling of being in love is wonderful, and celebrating the New Year with your loved ones is perhaps one of the most coveted feelings that exist.


So on this New Year let your beloved know about how much you love him/her, how much your beloved fills life with happiness and joy abound and how having him/her as a part of your life, just makes everything even more beautiful and life more worth living.

Make a resolution for them this New Year, about how you are going to try to the best of your best abilities to keep them happy and what better way to do this than our Romantic New Year SMS.

Our perfectly worded messages are the best way to lighten up the lives of your loved ones and bring that rosy glow of love to their faces.


New Year Messages
Advance Chinese Cute
For Boyfriend For Brother For Elders
For Friends For Girlfriend For My Husband
For My Wife For Sister For Teacher
For The One You Love Funny Hindi
Inspirational Romantic


So brighten up your beloved’s New Year with our Romantic New Year SMS Messages.

Romantic New Year Messages


    • “As the new dawn brings new hopes and aspirations this New Year, my only dream is to be with you all my life through.”


    • “May our love give us the strength to overcome each and every darkness, and make beautiful beginnings in unison this New Year.”



    • “I wish the fire of passion within us is set ablaze to the fullest to make the New Year a rocking one.”


    • “This New Year I made a resolution to be kept for life – I promise to love you more and more.”


    • “On the New Year ’s Day, I wish that we may walk all the paths of life hand in hand giving strength to each other.”


    • “There is very little I can ask from God this New Year as He was kind enough to have sent me the best possible gift already – You!”


    • “This New Year I wish to be the smile on your lips, the wind in your hair, the twinkle in your eyes – I just want you to keep me close.”


    • “Your love has made each day of my life a magical one. So, as New Year commences, my humble tribute to you are the three magic words – I love you.”


    • “This New Year, I pray that we walk all through our lives hand in hand, no matter whether the path is made up of roses or rubbles.”


    • “My New Year will be brighter and happier since you hold the key to my heart, and I know you’d always handle your belonging with care.”


    • “No winter wind can keep away warmth from filling up my heart as I look forward to start a brand New Year with you as my companion.”


    • “They say what happens on the New Year day, recurs all through the year. All I wish is to start the New Year in your arms and seal it with a kiss.”


    • “This New Year I promise to fill each day with loving memories to string them in your heart forever.


    • “My New Year gift for you – my heart wrapped with love and passion – hope you treasure it for years to come!”


    • “This New Year God sent an Angel my way to make the world a blissful place for me to be in, and that Angel is You!”


    • “I dreamt of someone who will complete me – I opened my eyes to find You stepping into my life making my dream come true.”


    • “No distance can keep me from reaching out to you to embrace you and wish you a Happy New Year.”


    • “This New Year I wish that our bonding be increased manifold, our differences reduced to fractions and our lives filled with peace and harmony.”


    • “May this New Year create the greatest barrier from any misunderstanding to come between you and me to blur our happiness in any way.”


    • “With you by my side, I know for sure that I shall have a fabulous New Year – you are my Good Luck Charm.”


    • “Your sight heals my wounds, your smile cures my ailments, your touch rejuvenates my spirits – and that’s all I need to face the New Year head on.”


    • “Your love is the light that will illuminate all my days with happiness this New Year.”


    • “This New Year, all I wish is to be enveloped in your love and spend my days under your tender loving care.”


    • “New Year is the best time to let you know that years come and go, but my love for you only has an inbound high tide always.”


    • “This New Year, I feel I am the happiest person on earth to have been cherished and by you.


    • “Your love is the breath of fresh air that gives a fragrant start to the next batch of 365 days – Happy New Year.”


    • “New Year is the perfect time to celebrate all that one cherishes – I celebrate you and our relationship.”


    • “As we make merry to welcome New Year, I propose a toast to our love and the beautiful symphony it fills up our life with – Cheers!”


    • “My only wish this New Year is that may our love grow in leaps and bounds and never face any hindrance.”