Jains constitute quite a large number of people in various parts of India and abroad. Jains are people who have embraced the teachings and religion propounded and propagated by the Mahavira and subsequent Jain Tirthankars.
Jain festivals generally occur on specific days of the year and are either related to life events of Tirthankara or they are performed with intention of the purification of the soul. Jain rituals are an integral part of Jainism. The Jain Rituals take place daily or more often.
Jain rituals can be divided broadly into two parts: karya (Obligations that are observed) and Kriya (Worships that are ritually followed). Paryushuna or Daslakshana is probably considered to be the most important annual event for Jains, and it is usually observed in the month of August or September as per modern day calendar.
At the conclusion of the festival, followers as for forgiveness from one another and all the others for any offenses committed knowingly or unknowingly in the year gone by. Forgiveness is sought by one another saying Micchami Dukkadam to others.
The literal meaning of Paryushana is “abiding” or “coming together”. The principle of ahimsa rules supreme in Jainism and it has become a well-known aspect of Jainism. Jains extend the practice of nonviolence not only towards fellow human beings but also towards all living beings at large.
Name of festivals | Date of festivals | Description |
Rohini Vrat | 10-Jan | Rohini Vrat is mostly observed by the Jain women for the long life of their husbands. Rohini is one of the Nakshatra and the fasting is observed on the day when Rohini Nakshatra is seen even after sunrise. It is traditionally believed that those who devoutly observe Rohini Vrat can get rid of sorrows and poverty. |
Meru Trayodashi | 25-Jan | Meru Trayodashi is one of the most popular and auspicious festivities of the Jains. Meru Trayodashi is celebrated on the thirteen day of the month of magshirsha. Rishabha Dev had attained Nirvana on the Ashtapad mountain on this day. People celebrate the auspicious Meru Trayodashi festival with joy and happiness. This ceremony is celebrated in the memory of Pingal Kumar. |
Chaumasi Chaudas | 11-Mar | Chaumasi Chaudas is one of the most important festivals for Jains All over the world. The Chaumasi Chaudas starts on the Ashadi Purnima and ends on the Kartick Purnima. During the rainy season the earth becomes green and because according to Jainism everything has life, the Jain believers to save the flora and fauna, used to avoid travelling; and tried staying at one place . The sages would stay put at one place and keep praying. Thus those four months that they would not travel represent the Chaturmas. The Jain devotees buy new clothes for this auspicious occasion. Donations and alms are presented towards charity . |
Ashtahnika Vidhan Ends | 12-Mar | Ashtahnika is an important Jain festival. In fact it is one of the most important Jain festivals which is observed. Amongst both the sects of Jainism, Shwetamvar and the Digambars, this festival occupies a special place. The Ashtahnika literally translated is an eight day ritual which is observed every four months; in Ashadha, which is June and July, Kartika which when plotted in modern calendar is sometime in October and November and Phalguna which falls sometime in February and March. This age-old festival is only considered second to the importance of Dashalakshanaparva. |
Navapad Oli | 03-Apr | The Jains celebrate two Navpads in one year, one in the shukla paksha or the bright fortnight of Ashwina according to the traditional Hindu month or September October according to the Gregorian calendar. The other one is celebrated in the in the shukla paksh of the Hindu traditional month of Chaitra or March April as per Gregorian calendar. The Navapad Oli, begins in the middle of navaratri. Jains perform the Ayambil Tapa for nine days during the Navpad Oli. Ayambil Tapa is a fasting and penance where one can only eat boiled grains once a day. |
Shri Mahavir Jayanti | 09-Apr | Mahavira Jayanti is one of the most important celebrations for the Jain community. the devotees of Mahavira gives a bath to the statue of Mahavira which is known as Avishek. The idol is then taken out for a procession in a chariot called Ratha Yatra. Devotees do a lot of charity and give alms on this day. |
Varshitap Parana | 28-Apr | Varishtap starts on the eighth day of the Amavasya period and ends on the third day of the first half of the month of Vaisakha, on the day of AkshayaTritiya. On the first day the devotee is allowed to drink boiled water from an earthen pot. For the ensuing year the devotee is advised to consume a meal a day or if possible to fast on alternative days. |
Paryushana Parvarambha | 19-Aug | Paryushana is one of the most important Jain festivals. The Digamvara Jains call it as Das Lakshana. Paryushana literally means coming together. During the Paryushana, the Jains observe a fast. Devotees can fast for 30 days or more. During the 8 or 10 days of the Paryushana, the devotees start their days with pratikramana. |
Anata-Chaturdasi | 05-Sep | Anant Chaturdashi is the last day of the 10 day long Ganesh Chaturdashi. Women keep fast on this day for the well being of their families. Men too keep this vrat for 14 years to get back their long lost prosperity wealth and property. |