This card is all about making the right choices to create the perfect balance so that the harmony is maintained in life.
The Two of Coins (Pentacles) card shows a young man who seem to be dancing. He holds a loop in his hand which is in the shape of the infinity symbol. On both the sides of the loops there are two pentacles balanced.
In the background a turbulent sea can be seen and on the waves two ships seem to be cruising – this is indicative of the journey of life that has its fair share of ups and downs. The infinity loop suggests that the man is capable of handling all the problems that life may throw at him.
The pentacles represent his worldly concerns and the man seems to have achieved a perfect balance to juggle them. The man may be perturbed by the problems around him, but, that does not make him miss a skip on his steps. He seems to have been able to take the situation to his stride despite all odds.
Upright Position: This card advices the seeker to remain alert and agile as the person strives to balances the different aspects of life to the best of her/his abilities. The water represents the person’s consciousness and the turbulence is indicative of the conflicting interests where prioritizing is the key to maintain the balance. It may also indicate that the seeker needs to cope with any change that life brings.
Reversed Position: Reversed, the card suggests that the subject is finding it very difficult to juggle the various aspects of life – job, family, finance, romance, etc – leading to a lack of balance.
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